Product-Plan Data Inheritance

Important   The following information only applies when the Product structure is in use.

For the following entities, a Plan will inherit configuration defined in a Product- and/or Child Product-level override:

  • PlanScreen business rule
  • Segments

For example if “Product A” and “Plan A” are directly related to each other, and each has its own override of the PlanScreen business rule, the PlanScreen displayed in the application will be the combination of the two overrides because of the direct relationship. This data inheritance works exactly the same for Plan Fields and Segments used throughout the system.

The data inheritance also functions in a similar way if the relationship between the Product and Plan is indirect. For example, if “Product A” has a direct relationship to “Child Product B” and “Child Product B” has a direct relationship to “Plan A,” but the PlanScreen Business Rule only has overrides for “Product A” and “Plan A,” the PlanScreen that is displayed in the application will be the combination of the two overrides because of the indirect relationship between “Product A” and “Plan A.” Again, this data inheritance works the same for Plan Fields and segments.

PlanScreen Data Inheritance

Fields are the only aspect of the PlanScreen business rule that are able to utilize data inheritance. There are several important points to consider when configuring a PlanScreen business rule that will be inherited within the Product-Plan structure:

  • When multiple related overrides at the Product, Child Product, and/or Plan level of the PlanScreen exist, all of the fields configured in the related rules will be displayed in the system UI.
  • Fields configured in multiple related overrides of the PlanScreen will display in the system UI in the following order:
    1. Fields defined at the Product level
    2. Fields defined at the Child Product level
    3. Fields defined at the Plan level
  • When a field with the same name is present in multiple related overrides, the field will display on the Plan screen in OIPA at highest override level where it's defined. The field will not be able to be moved or deleted by lower-level configuration, only hidden.

  • When only one override at the Product, Child Product and/or Plan exist, then only the fields configured in that rule will be displayed in the system UI.
  • An optional "Final" configuration element can be added to any configured field to prevent a lower level override from overriding the Field configuration. See the Field Properties page for more information on configuring fields.

Segment Data Inheritance

The following pieces of segment configuration are able to utilize data inheritance:

  • Fields
  • Events
  • ScreenMath
  • Actions
  • Roles
  • RoleViews

See the sections below for detailed information on configuring these aspects of segments when data inheritance is being utilized.


When multiple related segment overrides at the Product, Child Product, and/or Plan level exist with the same name and type, all of the fields configured in the related rules will be displayed in the system UI.

  • If a field with the same name is present in multiple related overrides, the field configuration at the lowest override level will be displayed in the system UI. The field will not be able to be deleted by lower-level configuration, only hidden.
  • An optional "Final" configuration element can be added to any configured field to prevent a lower level override from overriding the Field configuration. See the Field Properties page for more information on configuring fields.
  • When only one override at the Product, Child Product and/or Plan exist, then only the fields configured in that rule will be displayed in the system UI.


Segment button configuration will not support data inheritance. Each override of the segment will need to define a <Buttons> configuration section. When multiple related overrides of a single segment at the Product, Child Product and/or Plan level have been created, only the buttons configured in the lowest level override will be displayed in the system UI.


Actions sections defined in multiple related overrides of a single segment at the Product, Child Product, and/or Plan level that have unique ActionSet IDs will be combined to form a single Actions section.

If multiple Action sections with the same Action ID are present in related overrides, only the lowest level override’s Action configuration with the ID conflict will be utilized by the system.


The <Events> configuration section can be defined in multiple related overrides of a single segment at the Product, Child Product, and/or Plan level, all of which will be combined to form a single Events section.

  • For ONLOAD Events, only the Event configuration in the lowest level override that is of the type ONLOAD will be utilized by the segment, because only one ONLOAD section can exist per screen.
  • For ONCHANGE Events, all of the ONCHANGE Events that operate on a unique field will be utilized by the PolicyScreen.
    • If two ONCHANGE Events with the same field specified are present in multiple related overrides, only the lowest level override will be utilized.

  • For ONCHANGE Events, all of the ONCHANGE Events that operate on a unique field will be utilized by the PolicyScreen.
    • If two ONCHANGE Events with the same field specified are present in multiple related overrides, only the lowest level override will be utilized.
  • For ONSUBMIT Events, only the Event configuration in the lowest level override that is of the type ONSUBMIT will be utilized by the segment, because only one ONSUBMIT section can exist per screen.


The ScreenMath sections defined in multiple related segment overrides at the Product, Child Product, and/or Plan level that have unique Math IDs will be combined to form a single ScreenMath section.

If multiple Math sections with the same Math ID are present in related overrides, only the lowest level override’s Math configuration with the ID conflict will be utilized by the system.


Roles configuration can be defined in multiple related overrides of a single segment at the Product, Child Product, and/or Plan level, and will be combined to form a single roles section.

  • Each role that is configured with a unique RoleCode will be appended to the list of roles displayed on the Segment Role screen.
  • Roles can be added to the list, but not deleted by a lower-level override.
  • When multiple roles with the same RoleCode are configured in related overrides of a single segment, only the role configuration in the lowest level override will be used by the system.
  • Segment roles configured in multiple related overrides of a single segment will display in the system UI in the following order:
    1. Roles defined at the Product level
    2. Roles defined at the Child Product level
    3. Roles defined at the Plan level
  • An optional Final configuration setting can be added to any configured field to prevent a lower level override from overriding the role configuration. See the Create a New Segment page for more information on creating and configuring segment roles.
  • A role may be hidden using the Hidden configuration setting, but not deleted via a lower-level override's configuration. See the Create a New Segment page for more information on creating and configuring segment roles.

  • The Final setting will take precedence over the Hidden setting. If a role has Final set to Yes, a lower level override will not be able to hide the Role.


Segment RoleViews configuration that is defined in multiple related overrides of a single segment at the Product, Child Product, and/or Plan level will be combined by the system to form the list of available RoleViews.

  • Multiple RoleViews configured in related overrides will be combined to form a single RoleViews configuration section as long as each RoleView has a unique View Name, and as long as the RoleViews are used by different Roles.
  • When multiple related overrides contain RoleView configuration with the same View Name, the RoleView in the lowest level override will be used by the system.
  • Only one RoleView can be configured for use by all roles. As a result, the lowest level override of segment that contains RoleView configuration used for all roles will be used by the system.
  • Each uniquely-named RoleView will display in the View combo box on the SegmentRoleScreen in the following order:
    1. RoleViews configured at the Product level
    2. RoleViews configured at the Child Product level
    3. RoleViews configured at the Plan level