Suspense Search Screen Prototype

This prototype was created to demonstrate the enhanced configuration that is available to manipulate the display of results on the Suspense Search screen.

Prototype Explanation

The SuspenseSearchScreen rule is the only configuration involved in this prototype. An explanation of the enhancements is provided below.

  • The SuspenseSearchScreen in the Prototype Company shows the optional <Results> section of the configuration, using a common Table definition, to present a results grid that has been manipulated by configuration. To view configuration, navigate in the Global Explorer to Business Rules | Screen Rules | SuspenseSearchScreen | Company Overrides | SuspenseSearchScreen (Prototype Company) .

    • Common Table definition will be used within </Results> to present a results grid that demonstrates the ability to configure and then subsequently display both fixed and dynamic fields.

    • Use of the Suspense and SuspenseField Groups is demonstrated in the </Results> </Table> configuration.

View Prototype in OIPA

  1. Log in to OIPA using the Prototype Company user ID and password.

  2. Click Suspense | Suspense Records on the Main menu.
  3. Click Find at the bottom of the Suspense screen.
  4. Type in some search criteria and click Find.
  5. View the enhanced Results grid at the bottom of the screen.