Add Roles Business Rule

In the course of policy processing there may be a need to add new roles to a policy while the Role screen's functionality is disabled. In such cases, a transaction may be used to perform the task. The AddRoles business rule can be attached to a policy-level transaction in order to add an existing client in the database to a new role on an existing policy.

The AddRoles rule can only be attached to a policy-level transaction and can only be used to add roles to the policy where the activity is being processed. Multiple role records can be added to the policy using this business rule.


A request to add a new beneficiary needs to be processed. Since the policy is in Active status, the Role screen has been disabled. To add a new role, the CSR selects the AddRolePrototype activity after clicking the Add Activity link. The new beneficiary information is added to the activity window and the activity is added to the Activity screen. When the activity is processed the new beneficiary information is added to the policy.

Configuration Requirements

In order to use this business rule to perform the scenario listed above, two pieces of configuration are required:

  • configure the AddRoles business rule

  • create the transaction that will add roles to a policy

Prototype Examples

The Prototype Company in the Rules Palette contains three sample configurations for AddRoles.

  • AddRoles business rule: When attached to a policy level transaction, this business rule will add an existing client to a policy. Navigate through the following folders in the Global Rules Explorer to locate the configuration sample: Business Rules | Attached | Add Roles | Transaction Overrides. There are two overrides, one for each of the transactions (AddRolesPrototype and AddRolesCollection)

AddRoles rule overrides

AddRoles Rule Overrides

  • AddRolesPrototype transaction: This transaction adds a single existing client to a policy and assigns the client a role. Navigate through the following folders in the Main Explorer to locate the configuration sample: Companies | Prototype Company | Subsidiary Companies | Prototype Child Company | Plans | Functional Prototype Plan | Transactions | Policy Transactions | AddRolesPrototype.

  • AddRolesCollection transaction: This transaction adds multiple existing clients to a policy and assigns them the same role. Navigate through the following folders in the Main Explorer to locate the configuration sample: Companies | Prototype Company | Subsidiary Companies | Prototype Child Company | Plans | Functional Prototype Plan | Transactions | Policy Transactions | AddRolesCollection.

add role transactions in Main Explorer

AddRoles Transactions in Main Explorer