CreateSegments Prototype

The CreateSegments business rule allows an activity in OIPA to add a segment to a policy. This business rule can be attached to a transaction, then once the transaction is added to a policy and processed as an activity in OIPA, a segment (or coverage) is added to the policy.

As a part of this enhancement, all SegmentFields with a TYPE of Money are assigned a default CurrencyCode. The AsPlan table has a new column named DefaultCurrencyCode and the AsSegmentField table has a new column named CurrencyCode. The currency value at the segment level will be the Plan default unless it is overridden in AsSegmentField.


A CSR needs to add a coverage to an existing poilcy. The ContractAddCoverage activity is added to the policy and processed. A Base Coverage segment is added to the policy.

Configuration Requirements

A segment can be added to an existing policy if the following items are configured:

  • a transaction configured to add a segment

  • the CreateSegments business rule overridden at the transaction level

Prototype Samples

There is one transaction created to demonstrate this functionality:

  • ContractAddCoverage: This transaction is configured to add the Base Coverage segment to an existing policy. The CreateSegments business rule is overridden at the transaction level. Currency is commented out at this time, but will be an enhancement in a future release.

There is one business rule configured to demonstrate this functionality:

  • CreateSegments (ContractAddCoverage-Functional Prototype Plan): This business rule was overridden at the transaction level and attached to the transaction in the TransactionBusinessRulePacket.

To see both configuration samples, navigate through the following folders in the Main Explorer: Companies | Prototype Company | Subsidiary Companies | Prototype Child Company | Plans | Functional Prototype Plan | Transactions | Policy Transactions | ContractAddCoverage.

CreateSegment transaction and business rule

CreateSegment Transaction and Business Rule in Main Explorer