
In the Oracle Insurance Policy Administration (OIPA) system, functions contain common calculations that may be used multiple times. Functions can be defined at many different levels depending on the context of the container component (i.e. transactions, screen, etc.). It is best to place the function as high in the hierarchy as possible in order to be used by the most components.

There are two types of functions:

  1. Functions defined as rules that are created to support business events.

  2. Pre-defined Java functions that can be used to help with creating calculations.

Additional Function Considerations

When using Functions within CopyBooks:

  • The override level of the contained functions does not need to match the override level of the contained CopyBook. The CopyBook may be defined at the global level and may contain a function that is overridden at a plan level.
  • Example: A global level CopyBook exists that validates that a premium paid is within the acceptable tolerance. A function is used in the CopyBook to look up the tolerance amount for a given plan. The function is overridden for each plan.

When using CopyBooks within Functions:

  • When a CopyBook is used within a function, the override levels of the CopyBook and function do not have to match.
  • Example: A Premium Tax function exists at the global level. There are two state overrides, one for PA and one for NY. A Copybook exists within the Premium Tax function at the global level to look up the Federal tax information for the function. All three of the Premium Tax functions call the same Copybook.

When using Functions within Functions:

  • Functions are available for use within other functions. A global function may contain calls to other global functions as well as to other override level functions. The override level does not need to match the level of the containing function. The levels can match, but OIPA will allow the levels to be different.
  • Example: In the global Base COI function there are several additional functions that are called. These include a Flat Extra calculation, which is a plan level override function, the lookup of current and guaranteed rates, which is a Global function, and a rate percent function, which is a plan level override.

When using Functions within Calculate General Business rules:

  • Functions are available for use within Calculate General rules. The override levels of the functions do not need to match the level of the containing CalculateGeneral.

When referencing a function multiple times:

  • The function that is referenced multiple times in a specific activity, calculate general or screen, will always resolve to the same function override.
  • Example: FunctionTermPremiumCalc is defined with overrides at the Product level and plan level: TermPlanGroup and the AcmePlan. A BaseCoverage Calculate General defined for the AcmePlan defines function calls to FunctionTermPremiumCalc at lines, 15, 45, 75, and 110. The resolution of each call will always result in the same specific override within this Calculate General, the AcmePlan override.