Screen Math Considerations

Screen Math is a bit different from typical transaction math, and therefore, configuration can vary. Below are some important configuration considerations to keep in mind when working in screen math.

Math and Currency Considerations

Screen Math performs arithmetic and comparison operations on currency values. Some common operations are comparison of math variables in the Math section, addition for like currency codes and multiplication for like currency codes.

Keep in mind the following points when working with currency in ScreenMath.

  • The Currency Code of a field can be found using the syntax of "FieldName:CurrencyCode".
  • The Currency Code of a math variable can be found using the function “GetCurrencyCode ()”. Comparisons of named fields or math variables will use the attached currency codes in addition to their numeric values. The associated currency code values must be the same or the system will throw a stack trace indicating the currency codes are incompatible.
  • Type = FUNCTION supports both ToCurrency(), which allows a decimal or integer value to be given a currency code and “GetCurrencyCode()”, which returns the currency code of a math variable.
  • Type = FUNCTIONCALL parameters accept input Money/Currency values.

Suspense Considerations

  • Screen Math supports the SUSPENSEFIELD math variable. Configuration will only have access to the suspense fields for the single suspense item from the activity details of that activity being processed.Suspense multifields will not be available using the SUSPENSEFIELD math variable type.
  • Suspense fields can be accessed in both local and global screen math.
  • Configuring a math variable with a type equal to SUSPENSEFIELD in a transaction that does not use suspense will result in a null pointer exception. As a result the SUSPENSEFIELD math variable should be contained within an IsEmpty check to prevent a system error.
  • Action configuration can access the SUSPENSEFIELD screen math variables configured in screen math in order to perform validations on the suspense data for the activity.
  • The value of the SUSPENSEFIELD math variable should be the name of the suspense field to be returned from the activity detail. The following suspense fields are available in screen math.
    • SuspenseGUID
    • SuspenseNumber

    • TypeCode

    • StatusCode

    • Amount

    • AttachedAmount

    • CompanyGUID

    • PolicyNumber

    • EffectiveDate

    • EffectiveFromDate

    • EffectiveToDate

    • ClientNumber

    • FirstName

    • LastName

    • AccountNumber

    • BankName

    • BankNumber

    • CheckNumber

    • BatchNumber

    • CurrencyCode

    • All dynamic suspense fields configured for the suspense item.