Query Parameters

The "q" query parameter in the endpoint URL is to specify the equivalent of the SQL "where clause" to search for resources in a collection. Oracle recommends that you use the System for Cross-Domain Identity Management (SCIM) specification filtering syntax, unless there is a need to support MongoDB database query format, or if there are other requirements that SCIM does not support. For example, SCIM uses a plain text string to represent filtering.


  • Format: http://server:port/PASService/rest/services/clients?q=search parameter

    Sample: http://localhost:8080/PASService/rest/services/clients?q=firstName sw "Test"

  • Format: http://server:port/PASService/rest/services/policies?q=search parameter

    Sample: http://server:port/PASService/rest/services/policies?q=policyNumber eq "TEST123"

  • Format: http://server:port/PASService/rest/services/cases?expand=expand parameter

    Sample: http://server:port/PASService/rest/services/cases?expand=policies

The following table lists the supported SCIM query parameters:

Operator Description Behavior
eq equal The attribute and operator values must be identical for a match.
ne not equal The attribute and operator values are not identical.
co contains The entire operator value must be a substring of the attribute value for a match.
sw starts with The entire operator value must be a substring of the attribute value, starting at the beginning of the attribute value. This criterion is met if the two strings are identical.
ew ends with The entire operator value must be a substring of the attribute value, matching at the end of the attribute value. This criterion is met if the two strings are identical.
gt greater than If the attribute value is greater than operator value, there is a match. The actual comparison is dependent on the attribute type. For string attribute types, this is a lexicographical comparison and for DateTime types, it is a chronological comparison. For Integer attributes it is a comparison by numeric value. Boolean and Binary attributes cause a failed response (HTTP status code 400)
lt less than If the attribute value is less than the operator value, there is a match. The actual comparison is dependent on the attribute type. For string attribute types, this is a lexicographical comparison, and for DateTime types, it is a chronological comparison. For integer attributes, it is a comparison by numeric value. Boolean and Binary attributes cause a failed response (HTTP status code 400)