6. Enable Logging

6.1 Enabling WebService Log

It is not recommended to enable WebServices log while running in production environment. The logging should be enabled in production only for debugging purpose by following the below mentioned steps.

  1. The log file path has to be specified in ‘logging.properties’ file.
  2. The file is available inside config folder. Navigate to dbkls-xxws.ws.app-dt.ear/dbkls-xws-web-dt.war/WEB-INF/classes/config/
    • Edit the following with the log file path: java.util.logging.FileHandler.pattern=<Path>/dbkls_xws_%g.log
  1. Restart the managed server (in which services are deployed) with the following argument:




    Djava.util.logging.config.file=<Path of the above logging.properties file>/log­ging.properties


    nohup ./startManagedWebLogic.sh -Djava.util.logging.config.file=<Path of the above logging.properties file>/log­ging.properties &

  2. The login levels can be set through the logging.properties file. Un-comment the level required in the logging.properties file
    • #com.ofss.fll.xws.level=FINEST
    • #com.ofss.fll.xws.level=FINER
    • #com.ofss.fll.xws.level=FINE
    • #com.ofss.fll.xws.level=CONFIG
    • #com.ofss.fll.xws.level=INFO

6.2 Enabling SQL Log for WebServices Component

It is not recommended to enable WebServices SQL log while running in production environment. The logging should be enabled in production only for debugging purpose by following the below mentioned steps:

  1. The CMN_DEBUG_LEVEL system parameter should be enabled and set to appropriate non-zero value.
  2. The CMN_DEBUG_METHOD system parameter should be enabled and set to appropriate non-zero value.
  3. The respective package debug level for the webservice should be enabled and set to appropriate non-zero value in system parameter. Please refer the below table to for the service and debug level mapping.



    DialerIntegrator: xcsadi_em_100_01

    To receive loan applica­tion from dealer track: XAEPRC_EM_100_01

    To receive edocs application update : XAE­EDS_EM_100_01

    To receive loan application from route one:XAE­PRC_EM_100_01

    CSSAccountDe­tailsRequestSer­vice: XCSPRC_EM_100_01

    To receive loan applica­tion/deal update from dealer track: XAEUP­D_EM_100_01

    To receive edocs comment update : XAE­EDS_EM_100_01

    To receive loan application/deal refresh from route one : XAEUP­D_EM_100_01

    CSSAccount­SearchRequest­Service: XCSACS_EM_100_01

    To receive comments from dealer track : XAEPRC_EM_100_01

    To receive edocs location update : XAE­EDS_EM_100_01

    To receive com­ments from route one: XEAUP­D_EM_100_01

    CSSPostTransac­tionsRequestSer­vice: XCSUP­D_EM_100_01

    To post comments to dealer track: XAECH­K_EM_100_01


    To post com­ments to route one: XAECH­K_EM_100_01

    CSSAccountPay­OffQuoteRequest­Service: N/A

    To post application sta­tus to dealer track: XAECHK_EM_100_01


    To post applica­tion status to route one: XAECH­K_EM_100_01

    LOSeApplication­RequestService: XAE­EDS_EM_100_01

    To post dealer details to dealer track: XPR­PRC_EM_100_01


    To post dealer details to dealer track: XPR­PRC_EM_100_01

    LOSApplication­RequestService: XAE­PRC_EM_100_01




    LOSApplication­SearchRequest­Service: XAE­QUE_EM_100_01




    LOSApplication­LocationUpdate­Service: XAE­EDS_EM_100_01




    LOSApplication­CommentUpdate­Service: XAE­EDS_EM_100_01




    LOSPostStatusRe­questService: XAECH­K_EM_100_01




    LOSApplica­tionUpdateSer­vice: XAEUP­D_EM_100_01




    LOSCheckStatus­RequestService: XAECH­K_EM_100_01




