Diameter Common Configuration for RBAR

The following Diameter Common configuration must be done before RBAR configuration can be performed.

Use the explanations and procedures in the Diameter Common configuration help and the Diameter Common User's Guide to complete the Diameter Common configuration, including the Diameter Common components needed for use with RBAR.

SOAM Diameter Common Configuration

Diameter Common configuration for MCC Ranges Network Identifiers and MP Profile assignment for RBAR is done from the SOAM GUI in a DSR topology.

  1. MPs

    Click Diameter Common, and then MPs, and then Profile Assignments and verify the correct Database MP Profiles have been assigned for RBAR DA-MPs. If assignments need to be made or changed, use the Diameter Common, and then MPs, and then Profile Assignments page to assign the correct MP Profiles.

    If RBAR and Policy DRA are running on the same DA-MP, select a Session_Database MP Profile.

  2. MCC Ranges

    Use the Diameter Common, and then Network Identifiers, and then MCC Ranges [Insert] page to specify up to 10 distinct, non-overlappingMCC Ranges.

    The following two MCC Ranges are reserved by telephony standards and are recommended to be created in addition to other specified ranges:
    1. 000-199
    2. 800-899

NOAM Diameter Common Configuration

Diameter Common configuration for MCCMNC and MCCMNC Mapping Network Identifiers for RBAR is done from the NOAM GUI in a DSR topology.
  1. Use the Diameter Common, and then Network Identifiers, and then MCC Ranges [Insert] page to configure MCCMNC entries.