Editing an Address Resolution

Use this task to edit an Address Resolution.
  1. Edit RBAR, and then Configuration, and then Address Resolution.
  2. Select the Address Resolution you want to edit and click Edit.
  3. Update the relevant fields.
    For more information about each field, see Table 3-6.
    The following fields are read-only and cannot be edited:
    • Application ID
    • Command Code
  4. Click OK, Apply, or Cancel.
    If OK or Apply is clicked and any of the following conditions exist, an error message appears:
    • The entry in any field is not valid (wrong data type or out of the valid range)
    • Any required field is empty
    • Duplicate Routing Entity Types were selected in the Primary and Secondary Routing Entity sections
    • Duplicate AVPs were selected in the Primary AVP and Secondary AVP fields