Inserting an Address

Use this task to add a new address or range of addresses to a Routing Entity type.

Before this task is performed, make sure there is at least one Address Table and one Destination configured in the system.

  1. Click RBAR, and then Configuration, and then Addresses.
  2. Click Insert.
  3. Select the Routing Entity Type from the list.
    For more information about each field, see Table 3-5.
  4. If External Identifier was selected as the Routing Entity Type, then select the Routing Entity Component from the list.
  5. Select the Address Table from the list.
  6. Select the desired Address Type option (Range, Individual Address, or Domain Name).
  7. Enter the appropriate address data depending on the selection of the Address Type:
    • For Range:
      1. Enter the starting address for the range in the Start Address field.
      2. Enter the ending address for the range in the End Address field.
    • For Individual Address or Domain Name, enter the specific address in the Address field.
  8. If the address entered is an IPv6-prefix, enter the prefix length in the IPv6 Prefix length field.
  9. Select the Destination from the list.
  10. (Optional) Select the Nested Table Name from the list.
  11. Click OK, Apply, or Cancel.
    If OK or Apply is clicked and any of the following conditions exist, an error message appears:
    • Start Address is greater than the End Address
    • Start Address and End Address for an Address Range are overlapping or already exists
    • At least one Address Table and one Destination have not been configured; they do not exist in the system
    • Address already exists for a Table Name
    • The entry in any field is not valid (wrong data type or out of the valid range)
    • Any required field is empty
    • The maximum number of records for the Address Type (1,000,000 for each type) is already defined in the system