Modifying Online Help Style Sheets

You can modify the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) files that control the formatting and homepage background of the online help user interface. You can set a custom background image to appear on the homepage for the help, and you can change colors and formatting to match your enterprise branding style. You can also change color and contrast settings to satisfy accessibility requirements that are unique to your organization.

You modify the styles in the following style sheet file:


Example: help-PB/eng/styles/lang.css

The following example displays the delivered lang.css file for English.

/* lang.css                                    */
/* Add language-specific styles to override
/* styles in the help-PB/styles folder         */

/* Home Page styles */
  To add your own background:
    1. Copy your background image file to the folder images in the help-PB/lang 
       folder (e.g. help-PB/eng/images).
    2. Uncomment following lines and replace home_background.jpg with your 
       background image file name.
.cover {
    background: #183853 url("../images/home_background.jpg") no-repeat scroll center top;
    background-size: cover;
/*Copy styles from css files in help-PB/styles and paste them here. Then edit the styles as needed here to override the delivered styles. */

To add your own background image to the homepage, follow the instructions in the lang.css file.

To override styles from the delivered style sheets, enter the updated CSS styles and properties at the end of the lang.css file.

Note: Not all styles that are listed in the delivered CSS files are used in the online help pages. Many browsers now have built-in (or plug-in) CSS property viewers that you can use to see which CSS properties are affecting the content on the page.

Important! Do not update the delivered style sheets located in the docroot/styles folder. Doing so could create unexpected results on some help pages, and any changes that you make to these files will be overwritten when you upgrade your help system to a new release.