Customizing Processing Notification Delay Time

This topic discusses system processing notifications for assistive technology users.

PeopleTools and PeopleSoft applications usually indicate system processing by displaying a Loading icon on the screen.

Assistive technology users need a way to identify that this type of background processing is occurring. 

If a Loading icon displays on the screen for more than two seconds, screen readers read "Processing. Please Wait." Once the load is complete, screen readers read "Loading Complete." That is, there is a delay time of two seconds between the start of system processing and when the “Processing. Please Wait.” notification is available to the screen reader.

The default delay time between the start of system processing and the processing notification is two (2) seconds.

To customize the processing notification delay time:

  1. Login to Application Designer.

  2. Open the HTML file PT_PAGESCRIPT.

  3. Navigate to the function window.showhide and change the second argument value of the function call setTimeout(callbackOnDelay_%Formname,2000)accordingly.

    This parameter is in milliseconds. If the preferred delay time is five (5) seconds, then the second value (replacing 2000) is 5000. If it is 2.5 seconds, it should be 2500 milliseconds.

  4. Open the HTML file PT_PROCESSING.

  5. Navigate to ptLoadingStatus_empty(display) method and change the second argument value of the function call setTimeout(callbackOnDelay_empty,2000)accordingly.

  6. Save all changes.

  7. Clear browser cache before login