Naming Record Definitions

Use these guidelines for record definition names:

  • The name length can be up to 15 characters, with the exception of the Temporary Table type, which has a maximum length of 13 characters.

  • The name must begin with a letter and can contain underscores to make it more readable.

  • Avoid special characters, such as # or $, which can cause problems in some database environments.

See Saving Definitions.

Record Naming Conventions

To help identify the purpose of different types of record definitions, you should adopt these naming conventions for record definition names and use these suffixes:

Field or Control



Identifies edit or prompt tables that contain data that is used for validation, as opposed to data that is maintained by the application. Prompt tables store commonly used values. They include, but are not limited to, control tables, which store company-wide values. For example, the location table (LOCATION_TBL) stores values for all operating locations in which your company does business; the country table (COUNTRY_TBL) stores values for all valid countries.


Identifies record definitions that are physically implemented by defining a SQL view.


Identifies dynamic views.


Identifies derived work records.


Identifies subrecords.


Identifies query views.


Identifies records as worklist record definitions.

In some cases, PeopleSoft also uses these prefixes to identify special types of record definitions:

Field or Control



Identifies work record definitions for Structured Query Report reports. The remainder of the record name consists of the program or report ID.


Identifies record definitions that store audit information for other record definitions in the database.


Identifies record definitions that store internet scripts. Internet scripts are generally located in FieldFormula PeopleCode events. You must grant access in the Security component for a WEBLIB record with an internet script before it can be run in a PeopleCode program.


Identifies record definitions that contain written PeopleCode functions, as opposed to built-in functions. You can include these records in the component and call them as functions. These self-developed functions are generally located in FieldFormula events, and the records are usually derived.


Identifies shared record definitions (across an application module or group) that have fields for PeopleCode events.