Performing Bulk Insertions

To perform bulk insertions using PeopleSoft Application Designer, select Tools > Bulk Operations > Insert.

This section lists common elements and discusses how to insert:

  • Fields into records.

  • Record fields onto pages.

  • Fields into records and onto pages.

Note: If you try to insert a field that is already present in a record or on a page, no processing occurs.

Field or Control


Model Field

Specify a field with record attributes that you want to copy to all inserted fields.

Clone PeopleCode of model field

Select if you want PeopleCode in the record fields to be copied and references modified to the inserted field.

To perform bulk insertions using PeopleSoft Application Designer, select Tools > Bulk Operations > Insert.

You can insert a source field into selected records only if the model field exists in those records. The source field is assigned the same record field properties as the model field in each record and is inserted immediately following the model field.

If the model field has a prompt table, then the system creates a prompt table for the source field by using the name of the source field with TBL appended to it.

If the record is either a SQL view or a dynamic view type, then the system modifies the associated SQL by expanding the SELECT clause to include the new field.

If the record is a subrecord, then the system updates the parent records of the SQL view or dynamic view type that contain this subrecord. If the SQL contains the model field in the WHERE clause or if the SQL is complex, then the system inserts the associated record into a project called BLK_<SOURCEFIELDNAME> and displays a status message. Examine the contents of that project after the operation completes to verify successful completion.

If the model field has PeopleCode associated with it in the record or in a component, then the system copies this PeopleCode to the new field with all of the references to the model field changed to refer to the new field.

Note: Because performing this operation changes records that are used to build application tables, you must rebuild (alter) the database before these changes can be used.

To perform bulk insertions by using PeopleSoft Application Designer, select Tools > Bulk Operations > Insert.

This operation inserts the specified record field onto each page that is listed if the model field exists on the page.

If the model field is in a grid, the system inserts the new field into the grid next to the model field and assigns it the same page field properties.

If the model field is not in a grid, the system inserts the new field to the right of the model field (in the first open space) and assigns it the same page field properties. If the system detects a questionable field position, it inserts the page into a project called BLK_<SOURCEFIELDNAME> and displays a status message. Examine that project after the operation completes to verify successful completion.

The page field name property is not cloned if it exists on the model field. Instead, the system uses the name of the new field because the page field name should be a unique identifier for page elements.

Note: You do not need to rebuild the database after performing this operation. The changes take effect when you open the page.

Field or Control


Record Name

Enter the record name containing the field to insert onto the pages.

Get Pages from Project

Specify the project name containing the pages to modify.

Get Records from Project

Specify the project containing the records to modify.

To perform bulk insertions by using PeopleSoft Application Designer, select Tools > Bulk Operations > Insert.

This operation is a combination of inserting fields into records and inserting record fields onto pages. The system examines each record to see if a model field exists. If so, it inserts the source field (including all field properties, PeopleCode, and SQL additions to itself and parent records) after the model field. Then, for each record, the system checks all pages to see if the new record field should be inserted.

If the system detects a questionable field position, it inserts the page into a project called BLK_<SOURCEFIELDNAME> and displays a status message. Examine that project after the operation completes.

Field or Control


Get Records and Pages from Project

Specify the project containing the records and pages to modify.