Printing Program and Flow Definitions

You can print the program definition or program flow, depending on which view you are in when you select Print.

To print an Application Engine program definition:

  1. Right-click and select Print in either the Program Flow or Definition view or select File, Print.

  2. Select print options.

    Field or Control


    Program ID

    Select to print the whole program.

    All Sections

    Select for all sections to be expanded in the printed report but only for the primary Application Engine program that is being printed and only if that program is an application library. Otherwise, only the MAIN section, first section, or called section is printed.

    All Steps

    Select to print all the steps in the section.

    All Attributes

    Select to print all detail level attributes for the specified node and its children.

    SQL Statements

    Select to print, for every SQL type action, the text of each SQL statement.

    PeopleCode Statements

    Select to print the text of the PeopleCode statements for every PeopleCode action.


    Select to print the long description comments for the selected node and its children.

    Include External Calls

    Select to print the section detail of all external calls.

    Max No. of Levels (maximum number of levels)

    Specify the maximum number of recursive levels to print for the specified call sections, including both external section calls and internal section calls. This edit box is always enabled. You can only set the maximum number of levels to a value greater than or equal to 1.