Defining Essbase Cube Builder Connections

The first step in creating Essbase cubes is to create connectivity information using the Connections page (CUB_CONNECTID). The Connections page enables you to define all the connectivity information, including the server name, user access, user ID, and user password.

Image: Connections page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Connections page. Definitions for the fields and controls appear following the example.

Connections page

Field or Control


Owner ID

Select the owner of the Essbase connection.

The owner ID helps to determine the product, feature, or application team that last made changes to this Essbase connection.

The available options are Mobile Company Directory, PeopleTools, and PeopleTools Demo.


Enter the Essbase network server name or IP address.

Database State

Set the default user access level to the database after it is created or modified.

If explicit security is not granted in Essbase, then it applies to every user except the system administrator, to whom the User Name and Password options apply.

The available options are Calculate, Design, None, Read, and Write.

Oracle recommends that you set this option to Read at the least.

User Name

Enter the Essbase username.


Enter the Essbase password, which will be encrypted in the database table.

Note: Only users with the following permission lists are able to create the Essbase connectivity information: AEPNLS, ALLPAGES, CPPT1080, PTPT1200, and SMPPNLS.

Unicode Enabled

Specify whether the database to be created will contain Unicode characters.

Note: Because selecting this option creates an Essbase Unicode database, the Essbase server must be in Unicode mode.

The Unicode Enabled option on this page is not synchronized with the setting in the PSSTATUS table, which enables customers to override the Unicode setting in the PeopleSoft environment if desired.

Last Upd User (last update user)

Displays the ID of the user who last modified the Essbase connection.

Last Upd DtTm (last update date and time)

Displays the date and time the Essbase connection was last modified.