Detecting and Converting Between Character Types

PeopleTools also provides PeopleCode string functions that recognize and convert between different characters within the Japanese character set. This enables you to detect, convert, and enforce the types of characters that you can enter in any PeopleSoft field. For example, the PeopleSoft system uses these functions in the development of the Alternate Character Architecture in some PeopleSoft applications. The Alternate Character Architecture is used in several PeopleSoft applications to provide a feature that enables the entry of, and enforces the characters contained in, Japanese phonetic spellings (Furigana) by using the Hiragana or Katakana scripts.

The following PeopleCode string functions can be used to recognize and convert between different characters within the Japanese character set:

  • CharType

  • ContainsCharType

  • ContainsOnlyCharType

  • ConvertChar