Setting Up Language Preferences for Microsoft Windows-Based PeopleTools

This section provides an overview of language preferences in PeopleTools for Microsoft Windows and discusses how to control PeopleSoft Configuration Manager language settings.

In the Microsoft Windows-based PeopleTools such as Application Designer, the language setting within PeopleSoft Configuration Manager controls the language in which the user views almost all language-sensitive data and objects in the application.

Just like in the PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture, if the language selected in PeopleSoft Configuration Manager is the base language, then all language-sensitive data, messages, and objects appear in the base language. If the language in PeopleSoft Configuration Manager is a non-base language, then any language-sensitive data, messages, and objects that have been translated appear to the user in the preferred language; those that have not been translated appear in the base language.

The language setting in PeopleSoft Configuration Manager is maintained on each PeopleTools development environment workstation. The setting determines the language in which the user views and maintains almost all language-sensitive data and objects in the Microsoft Windows-based PeopleTools.

The following graphic shows PeopleSoft Configuration Manager with the Language field set to ESP-Spanish.

To set the PeopleSoft Configuration Manager language:

  1. Start PeopleSoft Configuration Manager.

  2. Select the Display tab.

  3. Select a language in the Language field.

  4. Click OK.