Using JMS Projects

This section discusses how to:

  • Create JMS projects.

  • Add header information to JMS projects.

  • Add input files to JMS projects.

  • Post JMS projects to queues.

You can use Send Master to create JMS project types and test posting synchronous and asynchronous service operations to JMS queues.

Before you attempt to post service operations to an JMS queue, verify that the following Java Archive (JAR) files are installed, and that you have added them to the CLASSPATH in the StartSendMaster.bat file or the file. These files are installed as part of the MQSeries installation.





  • fscontext.jar

  • jms.jar

  • jndi.jar

  • providerutil.jar

See the IBM MQSeries documentation.

Corresponding files for other JMS Servers will be installed by respective JMS Server installations.

This section discusses the options you can define when working with a JMS project type.

Headers Tab

Use the Headers tab to specify header information for JMS service operations. The following table describes elements on this tab:

Field or Control


JMS Provider

Indicates the name of the JMS provider. Valid options are:

  • MQSeries. (Default.)

  • WebLogic.

JMS Queue

Indicates the queue to which the service operations will post.

JMS Factory

Indicates the factory to which the queue in the JMS Queue field belongs.


Indicates the LDAP directory or local file system address.

JMS User

(Optional.) Indicates the name of the JMS user.

JMS Password

(Optional.) Indicates the name of the JMS user's password.

Requesting Node

Indicates the name of the requesting node.

Operation Name

Indicates the name of the service operation.

Operation Type

Indicates the service operation type. Valid service operation types are:

  • Async. (Asynchronous.)

  • Sync. (Synchronous.)

Node Password

(Optional.) Indicates the requesting node password if applicable.

Destination Nodes

Indicates the name of the destination node. Use a semicolon to separate multiple destination nodes.

Final Destination Node

Indicates the name of the final destination node.


Select this radio button to post to a queue.


Select this radio button to post to a topic.

The first step to using a JMS project is creating the JMS project type. To create a project, from the Send Master menu, select File > New Project. Information about how to complete this task is provided earlier in the Send Master product documentation.

See Creating Send Master Projects.

To add header information to the project:

  1. In the Input Information section, select the Header Information tab if it is not already selected:

  2. Select or enter values for the following required fields:

    • JMS Provider

    • JMS Queue

    • JMS Factory

    • JMS URL

    • Requesting Node

    • Operation Name

    • Operation Type

  3. Enter values in any of the remaining optional fields as appropriate for your project.

  4. Select File > Save Project.

Information about creating and adding an input file to a project is provided earlier in the Send Master product documentation.

See Adding Input Files to Projects.

To post a JMS project to a queue, click the Post button.

If you are working with a synchronous service operation, the Output Information area displays response information from the target system. If you are working with an asynchronous service operation, no response information is received.