Using the Database Setup Utility

This section discusses how to use the database setup utility.

Typically, you use the Database Setup utility during PeopleSoft installations and upgrades, not on a daily basis. You use this utility to create PeopleSoft Data Mover import scripts that load data into a PeopleSoft database.

Note: If you are performing an installation, use the documentation included in your PeopleSoft installation guide, which provide specific details regarding your applications, languages, and RDBMS. This section provides a general overview and is not specific to the installation procedure.

To access the Database Setup utility:

  1. Sign in to PeopleSoft Data Mover in bootstrap mode.

    Use the access ID and password rather than your PeopleSoft user ID and password.

  2. Select File, Database Setup.

    Note: If you sign in to PeopleSoft Data Mover using regular mode, not bootstrap mode, the Database Setup menu item is not available.

This section discusses the dialog boxes that make up the utility.

Database Setup

Field or Control


Select Target Database

Select the RDBMS against which to run the database setup script. For instance, if the database that you are creating will run on an Oracle server, select Oracle.

Database Type

PeopleSoft supports non-Unicode (ANSI) and Unicode database types. Select the appropriate type for the system. For some RDBMS types, Unicode is not available.

Select Character Set

Select a character set. Your choices vary depending on the database type that you selected.

Select PeopleSoft Application

Field or Control


PeopleSoft Application

Only the applications that you have licensed appear. Select the applications for which you want to create PeopleSoft Data Mover scripts. To add applications selectively, use the Add button. To add all applications available, use the Add All button.

Data Mover Scripts to Create

Use the Remove button to remove a single application, or use the Remove All button to clear the list box.

Database Type

Specify what the result of running the script should be. There are two database codes: PT for PeopleTools and EP for PeopleSoft applications. Options are:

  • Demo: Select to create a demonstration database.

  • System: Select to create a system database.

  • Add New Language: Select to add support of new languages to an existing database.

  • Add New Product: Select to add a new PeopleSoft product to the current system. With this option selected, only non-PT database codes appear.

Database Parameters

Field or Control


Database Name

Enter the name of the database against which to run the script. The database name that appears is the database to which you are currently signed on. If the script that you are creating will be run against another database, specify the appropriate name here. If you generate a script for a database other than the current database, the system uses a default database using the following convention: XXDMO for demonstration databases and XXSYS for system databases. The XX represents the product code, such as HR.

Symbolic ID

Enter the ID used as the key to retrieve the access ID and access password. For initial installation, set it equal to the database name.

Access ID

This ID is the RDBMS ID with which PeopleSoft applications are ultimately connected to the database once the PeopleSoft system validates the user or connect ID. It typically has all the RDBMS privileges necessary to access and manipulate data for an entire PeopleSoft application.

Access Password

Enter the password associated with the access ID.

Connect ID

This ID is used for the initial connection to the database. Any two-tier connection requires a connect ID. A connect ID is a valid user ID, that when used during logon, takes the place of PeopleSoft user IDs for the sign-in process.

Table Owner

(DB2 UDB for z/OS) This field populates the CREATOR field in the system catalog table SYSIBM.SYSTABLES. You determine the name of the table owner ID during the initial installation.

Index Storage Group

(DB2 UDB for z/OS) Enter the storage group where the index spaces are created.

Table Space Storage Group

(DB2 UDB for z/OS) Enter the storage group for tablespaces. This value must be the same as that used in the XXDDL.SQL script when you create tablespaces during the installation.

After running the Database Setup utility, check the output directory for the generated script. Some commands are added that call other scripts and perform various functions. These commands are added to reduce the number of scripts and commands that you must run manually. For example, note that the following commands appear at the end of the script:


    This command creates views for the new database.


    This command creates any necessary temporary table images. The number of temporary tables is determined by the value for the Temp Table Instances setting in PeopleTools options (Utilities, Administration, PeopleTools Options) plus the number of PeopleSoft Application Engine temporary tables.


    If you selected a base language other than English, this command modifies the system to recognize that language as the base language. The default PeopleTools language is English if the PSSTATUS table is not available.

  • RUN

    This command runs the CURRXXX.DMS script to load the system with the appropriate currency information, and it runs MSGTLXXX.DMS to load the system with the appropriate PeopleTools messages (error and informational messages). The XXX represents the language code, such as FRA for French. The system runs these scripts only if you have selected a base language other than English.

Note: After each DDL create table, import data, and DDL create indexes command, PeopleSoft Data Mover issues an UPDATE STATISTICS command (except on z/OS), which improves the performance of subsequent commands, such as the REPLACE_VIEW command.