Mobile Application Platform Designers, Tools and Utilities

You can access Mobile Application Platform designers, tools and utilities in the PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture (PIA) by selecting PeopleTools, Mobile Application Platform.

Field or Control


Template Designer

Use the Template Designer to build templates that you can apply to layouts to define how application pages display.

Layout Designer

Use the Layout Designer to build your application pages, including building the user interface, adding business and processing logic, and so on.

Administration Tools

PeopleSoft delivers a number of tools for managing and synchronizing Mobile Application Platform metadata, administering security, and more.


Mobile Application Platform utilities include:

  • Layout Image Upload — Use this utility to upload images for the mobile application.

  • Dynamic Image Registration — Use this utility to store images on a web server for use by an application at runtime.

MAP WorkCenter

A MAP WorkCenter is delivered that provides centralized access to Mobile Application Platform designers, tools, and utilities.