Inserting Rows Using PeopleCode

When inserting rows using PeopleCode, you can either use the Insert method with a record object or create a SQL Insert statement using the SQL object. If you do a single insert, use the Record Insert method. If you are in a loop and,therefore, calling the insert more than once, use the SQL object. The SQL object uses dedicated cursors and, if the database you are working with supports it, bulk insert.

A dedicated cursor means that the SQL gets compiled only once on the database, so PeopleTools looks for the meta-SQL only once. This can increase performance.

For bulk insert, inserted rows are buffered and sent to the database server only when the buffer is full or a commit occurs. This reduces the number of round-trips to the database. Again, this can increase performance.

The following is an example of using the Record Insert method:

&REC = CreateRecord(Record.GREG); 
&REC.DESCR.Value = "Y" | &I; 
&REC.EMPLID.Value = &I; 

The following is an example using a SQL object to insert rows:

&SQL = CreateSQL("%INSERT(:1)"); 
&REC = CreateRecord(Record.GREG); 
&SQL.BulkMode = True; 
For &I = 1 to 10 
   &REC.DESCR.Value = "Y" | &I; 
   &REC.EMPLID.Value = &I; 