Session Class Methods in the Query API
The following methods are part of the query API. However, they're used with a Session object.
AdvancedSearchQueries(GetFavorites, QueryName, QueryNameOp, Descr, DescrOp, FolderName, FolderNameOp, RecordName, RecordNameOp, FieldName, FieldNameOp, TreeName, TreeNameOp, QueryType, OwnerType, CaseSensitive)
Use the AdvancedSearchQueries method to do more complex searches for queries.
Using Search Operators
All of the parameters for this method work in pairs, with the value in the first of the paired parameters further distinguished by the search operator used in the second parameter. For example, the value specified in FieldName is paired with the value specified in FieldNameOp.
All of the search operator parameters use the following values. Note that the format of the value of the first parameter is sometimes affected by the value of the search operator parameter.
Constant |
Description |
%Query_AdvSrchBegins |
Name begins with the values specified. |
%Query_AdvSrchContains |
Name contains the value specified. |
%Query_AdvSrchEquals |
Name equals the value specified. |
%Query_AdvSrchNotEquals |
The name does not equal the value specified. |
%Query_AdvSrchLessThan |
The name is less than the value specified. |
%Query_AdvSrchLessEquals |
The name is less than or equal to the value specified. |
%Query_AdvSrchGreaterThan |
The name is greater than the value specified. |
%Query_AdvSrchGreaterEquals |
The name is greater than or equal to the value specified. |
%Query_AdvSrchBetween |
The name is between two values specified by a comma. Do not use quotation marks. For example, ACCT1,ACCT9. |
%Query_AdvSrchIn |
The name is in the list specified list. The values are separated with commas. Do not use quotation marks. For example, ACCT1, ACCT2, ACCT3 |
Field or Control |
Definition |
GetFavorites |
Specify whether to return only queries marked as favorites. This parameter takes a Boolean value: true if you only want favorite queries returned, false otherwise. If you specify true for this parameter, all other parameters are ignored. |
QueryName |
Specify the name of the query you want returned, as a string. Use this parameter with the QueryNameOp parameter. |
QueryNameOp |
Specify the operator to be used with the QueryName parameter. The valid values for this parameter are found in the Using Search Operators section, above. |
Descr |
Specify the description you want returned, as a string. Use this parameter with the DescrOp parameter. |
DescrOp |
Specify the operator to be used with the Descr parameter. The valid values for this parameter are found in the Using Search Operators section, above. |
FolderName |
Specify the name of the folder of the query or queries you want returned, as a string. Use this parameter with the FolderNameOp parameter. |
FolderNameOp |
Specify the operator to be used with the FolderName parameter. The valid values for this parameter are found in the Using Search Operators section, above. |
RecordName |
Specify the name of the record used with the query (queries) you want returned, as a string. Use this parameter with the RecordNameOp parameter. |
RecordNameOp |
Specify the operator to be used with the RecordName parameter. The valid values for this parameter are found in the Using Search Operators section, above. |
FieldName |
Specify the name of the field associated with the query (queries) you want returned, as a string. Use this parameter with the FieldNameOp parameter. |
FieldNameOp |
Specify the operator to be used with the FieldName parameter. The valid values for this parameter are found in the Using Search Operators section, above. |
TreeName |
Specify the name of the tree associated with the query (queries) you want returned, as a string. Use this parameter with the TreeNameOp parameter. |
TreeNameOp |
Specify the operator to be used with the TreeName parameter. The valid values for this parameter are found in the Using Search Operators section, above. |
QueryType |
Specify the type of query, as a string. See below. |
OwnerType |
Specify the type of owner, whether the query is public or private. |
CaseSensitive |
This parameter has not yet been implemented. |
The values for QueryType can be as follows:
Numeric Value |
Constant Value |
Description |
1 |
%Query_Query |
Find queries of the type Query. |
5 |
%Query_DBAgent |
Find queries of the type Process. |
4 |
%Query_Role |
Find queries of the type Role |
7 |
%Query_Archive |
Find queries of the type Archive. |
A reference to a Query collection containing zero or more queries.
Note: If the result set contains more than 300 rows, only the first 300 rows are returned.
AdvancedSearchRecords(RecordName, RecordNameOp, Descr, DescrOp, FieldName, FieldNameOp, TreeName, TreeNameOp, CaseSensitive)
Use the AdvancedSearchRecords method to do more complex searches for records.
Security applies to the results of this list, that is, you have access to all the records your user ID (permission list) allows you to access.
Using Search Operators
All of the parameters for this method work in pairs, with the value in the first of the paired parameters further distinguished by the search operator used in the second parameter. For example, the value specified in FieldName is paired with the value specified in FieldNameOp.
All of the search operator paramerters use the following values. Note that the format of the value of the first parameter is sometimes affected by the value of the search operator parameter.
Constant |
Description |
%Query_AdvSrchBegins |
Name begins with the values specified. |
%Query_AdvSrchContains |
Name contains the value specified. |
%Query_AdvSrchEquals |
Name equals the value specified. |
%Query_AdvSrchNotEquals |
The name does not equal the value specified. |
%Query_AdvSrchLessThan |
The name is less than the value specified. |
%Query_AdvSrchLessEquals |
The name is less than or equal to the value specified. |
%Query_AdvSrchGreaterThan |
The name is greater than the value specified. |
%Query_AdvSrchGreaterEquals |
The name is greater than or equal to the value specified. |
%Query_AdvSrchBetween |
The name is between two values specified by a comma. Do not use quotation marks. For example, ACCT1,ACCT9. |
%Query_AdvSrchIn |
The name is in the list specified list. The values are separated with commas. Do not use quotation marks. For example, ACCT1, ACCT2, ACCT3 |
Field or Control |
Definition |
RecordName |
Specify the name of the record you want returned, as a string. Use this parameter with the RecordNameOp parameter. |
RecordNameOp |
Specify the operator to be used with the RecordName parameter. The valid values for this parameter are found in the Using Search Operators section, above. |
Descr |
Specify the description you want returned, as a string. Use this parameter with the DescrOp parameter. |
DescrOp |
Specify the operator to be used with the Descr parameter. The valid values for this parameter are found in the Using Search Operators section, above. |
FolderName |
Specify the name of the folder of the records you want returned, as a string. Use this parameter with the FolderNameOp parameter. |
FolderNameOp |
Specify the operator to be used with the FolderName parameter. The valid values for this parameter are found in the Using Search Operators section, above. |
FieldName |
Specify the name of the field associated with the record you want returned, as a string. Use this parameter with the FieldNameOp parameter. |
FieldNameOp |
Specify the operator to be used with the FieldName parameter. The valid values for this parameter are found in the Using Search Operators section, above. |
TreeName |
Specify the name of the tree associated with the record you want returned, as a string. Use this parameter with the TreeNameOp parameter. |
TreeNameOp |
Specify the operator to be used with the TreeName parameter. The valid values for this parameter are found in the Using Search Operators section, above. |
CaseSensitive |
Note: This parameter has not been implemented yet. Specify whether the search is case-sensitive. This parameter takes a Boolean value: True, the search is case-sensitive, False, it isn't. |
A reference to a QueryDBRecord collection containing zero or more records.
Note: If the result set contains more than 300 rows, only the first 300 rows are returned.
The FindQueryDBRecords method returns a reference to a QueryDBRecord collection, filled with zero or more records.
Security applies to the results of this list, that is, you have access to all the records your user ID (permission list) allows you to access.
A reference to a QueryDBRecord collection containing zero or more records.
The FindQueries method returns a reference to a Query collection, filled with zero or more queries.
FindQueries Considerations
FindQueries returns both public and private queries. It depends on your database whether the private query is returned first or the public query. If you have two queries with the same name, it depends on your database whether the first use of Item returns the private or the public query.
A reference to a Query collection containing zero or more queries.
In the following example, all available queries are returned:
Local ApiObject &MySession;
Local ApiObject &MyList;
&MySession = %Session
&MyList = &MySession.FindQueries();
FindQueriesDateRange(StartDateString, EndDateString)
The FindQueriesDateRange method returns a reference to a Query collection, filled with zero or more queries that match the specified date range.
FindQueriesDateRange Considerations
FindQueriesDateRange returns both public and private queries. It depends on your database whether the private query is returned first or the public query. If you have two queries with the same name, it depends on your database whether the first use of Item returns the private or the public query.
Field or Control |
Definition |
StartDateString |
Specify the year, month, and day of the beginning date that you want to look for. This parameter takes a string value. You can specify the date either as YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY/MM/DD. |
EndDateString |
Specify the year, month, and day of the end date. This parameter takes a string value. You can specify the date either as YYYY-MM-DD orYYYY/MM/DD. |
A reference to a Query collection containing zero or more queries.
Local ApiObject &MySession, &QueryList;
&MySession = %Session;
&Start = GetField(VOLUN_ACT_WRK.START_DT_STR).Value;
&End = GetField(VOLUN_ACT_WRK.END_DT_STR).Value;
&QueryList = &MySession.FindQueriesDateRange(&Start, &End);
The GetQuery method returns an empty query object. After you have an empty query object, you can use it to open an existing query (using the Open method) or to create a new query definition (using the Create method).
A reference to an empty query object if successful, NULL otherwise.
&MyQuery = &MySession.GetQuery();
If &MyQuery.Open("PHONELIST") Then
Use GetQuerySecurityProfile to return the current user's security profile for PeopleSoft Query. You can then use the QuerySecurityProfile properties to determine if the user can modify queries, the maximum number of rows to fetch for this user, and so on.
A reference to a QuerySecurityProfile if successful, NULL otherwise.
&MySecProfile = %Session.GetQuerySecurityProfile();
If &MySecProfile.CanModifyQuery Then
/* do some processing */
SearchQueryDBRecords(SearchType, Pattern, CaseSensitive)
The SearchQueryDBRecords method returns a reference to a QueryDBRecord collection, filled with zero or more records.
Security applies to the results of this list, that is, you have access to all the records your user ID (permission list) allows you to access.
You can use wildcard characters % and _ when searching. % means find all characters, while _ means find a single character. For example, if you wanted to find all queries that started with the letter M, use "M%" for Pattern. To find either DATE or DATA, use "DAT_" for Pattern.
These characters can be escaped (that is, ignored) using a \. For example, to search for a query that contains the character %, use \% in Pattern.
If Pattern is an empty string, this method retrieves all queries of the specified type (that is, specifying "" for Pattern is the same as specifying "%").
Field or Control |
Definition |
SearchType |
Specify the type of search to be used with the given pattern. You can use either a constant or a number value for this parameter. See below. |
Pattern |
Specify the pattern to be used when searching for records. |
CaseSensitive |
Specify whether the search is case-sensitive. This parameter takes a Boolean value: True, the search is case-sensitive, False, it isn't. |
The values for SearchType can be as follows:
Numeric Value |
Constant Value |
Description |
1 |
%Query_FindName |
Search for records with the name matching the given pattern. |
2 |
%Query_FindDescr |
Search for records with the description matching the given pattern. |
3 |
%Query_FindNameDescr |
Search for records with either the name or the description matching the given pattern. |
A reference to a QueryDBRecord collection containing zero or more records.
Local ApiObject &MySession, &DBRecList;
&MySession = %Session;
DBRecList = &MySession.SearchQueryDBRecords(%Query_FindName, "A%", False);
SearchPrivateQueries(QueryType, UserId, SearchType, Pattern, CaseSensitive)
The SearchPrivateQueries method returns a reference to a Query collection, filled with zero or more Private queries that match the specified SearchType, UserId, Pattern, and CaseSensitive choice
Field or Control |
Definition |
QueryType |
Specify the type of query to be searched for. You can specify either a constant or number value for this parameter. See below. |
UserId |
Specify the user Id to be used to find currently signed-on user’s private queries. |
SearchType |
Specify the type of search to be used with the given pattern. You can use either a constant or a number value for this parameter. See below. |
Pattern |
Specify the pattern to be used when searching for queries. |
CaseSensitive |
Specify whether the search is case-sensitive. This parameter takes a Boolean value: True, the search is case-sensitive, False, it isn't. |
The values for QueryType can be as follows:
Numeric Value |
Constant Value |
Description |
1 |
%Query_Query |
Find queries of the type Query. |
3 |
%Query_DBAgent |
Find queries of the type Process. |
4 |
%Query_Role |
Find queries of the type Role |
10 |
N/A |
Find queries of the type Archive. |
The values for SearchType can be as follows:
Numeric Value |
Constant Value |
Description |
1 |
%Query_FindName |
Search for queries with the name matching the given pattern. |
2 |
%Query_FindDescr |
Search for queries with the description matching the given pattern. |
3 |
%Query_FindNameDescr |
Search for queries with either the name or the description matching the given pattern. |
A reference to a Query collection containing zero or more queries.
The following example retrieves all private queries of type Query which start with A and do a case-insensitive search, that is, get all queries starting with A or a.
Local ApiObject &MySession, &DBRecList;
&MySession = %Session;
DBRecList = &MySession.SearchPrivateQueries(%Query_ListQuery, %UserId, %Query_FindName, "A%", False);
SearchPublicQueries(QueryType, SearchType, Pattern, CaseSensitive)
The SearchPublicQueries method returns a reference to a Query collection, filled with zero or more Public queries that match the specified SearchType, Pattern, and CaseSensitive choice.
Field or Control |
Definition |
QueryType |
Specify the type of query to be searched for. You can specify either a constant or number value for this parameter. See below. |
SearchType |
Specify the type of search to be used with the given pattern. You can use either a constant or a number value for this parameter. See below. |
Pattern |
Specify the pattern to be used when searching for queries. |
CaseSensitive |
Specify whether the search is case-sensitive. This parameter takes a Boolean value: True, the search is case-sensitive, False, it isn't. |
The values for QueryType can be as follows:
Numeric Value |
Constant Value |
Description |
1 |
%Query_ListQuery |
Find queries of the type Query. |
3 |
%Query_ListDBAgent |
Find queries of the type Process |
4 |
%Query_ListRole |
Find queries of the type Role |
10 |
N/A |
Find queries of type Archive |
The values for SearchType can be as follows:
Numeric Value |
Constant Value |
Description |
1 |
%Query_FindName |
Search for queries with the name matching the given pattern. |
2 |
%Query_FindDescr |
Search for queries with the description matching the given pattern. |
3 |
%Query_FindNameDescr |
Search for queries with either the name or the description matching the given pattern. |
A reference to a Query collection containing zero or more queries.
The following example retrieves all public queries of type Query that start with A and does a case-insensitive search, that is, get all queries starting with A or a.
Local ApiObject &MySession, &DBRecList;
&MySession = %Session;
DBRecList = &MySession.SearchPublicQueries(%Query_ListQuery, %Query_FindName, "A%", False);