From Java to PeopleCode

The Java classes delivered with PeopleTools enable you to call PeopleCode from your Java program. Calling into PeopleCode works only from Java code that you have initially called from PeopleCode.

You must call PeopleCode facilities only from the same thread that was used for the call into Java. PeopleTools is not multithreaded.

You cannot call any PeopleCode facility that would cause the server to return to the browser for an end-user action, because the state of the Java computation cannot be saved and restored when the action is complete.

Use the SysVar Java Class to refer to System Variables, such as %Language or %DBType.

For example, %Session, becomes SysVar.Session()

Use the SysCon Java Class to refer to system constants, such as %SQLStatus_OK or %FilePath_Absolute.

For example, %CharType_Matched becomes SysCon.CharType_Matched.

Use the Func Java Class to refer to built-in functions, such as CreateRowset or GetFile.

For example, SetLanguage(LANG_CD) becomes Func.SetLanguage(LANG_CD)

The Name Java Class enables you to use the PeopleSoft reserved item references. This enables you to reference pages, components, records, fieldnames, and so on.

For example, in PeopleCode you can refer to a record field using the following:


With the Name class, you can use a similar construct:

new PeopleSoft.PeopleCode.Name("RECNAME", "FIELDNAME");

Note that these must be in the exact case as the item. As all PeopleTools items are named in uppercase, that means you must use uppercase.

As another example, in PeopleCode you can refer to a page using the following:


In Java, it would be:

new PeopleSoft.PeopleCode.Name("PAGE", "PAGENAME");

The existing PeopleCode classes (like Array, Rowset, and so on) have properties and methods you can access.

  • PeopleCode classes have the same names, so Record becomes Record, SQL becomes SQL, and so on.

  • Methods are accessed by the method name.

  • The name of a property is pre-pended with either get or set, depending on whether you're reading or writing to the property.

    For example, to get the IsChanged property would be getIsChanged. To set the value for a field would be &MyField.setValue.

Here is an example of a Java program that uses PeopleCode objects to access the database:

 * Class Test
 * This code is used to test the Java/PeopleCode interface.

import PeopleSoft.PeopleCode.*;

public class Test {

 * Test
 * Add up and return the length of all the
 * item labels on the UTILITIES menu,
 * found two different ways.

public static int Test() {
/* Get a Rowset to hold all the menu item records. */
Rowset rs = Func.CreateRowset(new Name("RECORD", "PSMENUITEM"), new Object[]{});
String menuName = "UTILITIES";
int nRecs = rs.Fill(new Object[]{"WHERE FILL.MENUNAME = :1", menuName});

int i;
int nFillChars = 0;
for (i = 1; i <= rs.getActiveRowCount(); i++) {
String itemLabel = (String)rs.GetRow(i)
.GetRecord(new Name("RECORD", "PSMENUITEM"))
.GetField(new Name("FIELD", "ITEMLABEL"))
nFillChars += itemLabel.length();

/* Do this a different way - use the SQL object to read each menu
   item record. */

int nSQLChars = 0;
Record menuRec = Func.CreateRecord(new Name("RECORD", "PSMENUITEM"));
SQL menuSQL = Func.CreateSQL("%SelectAll(:1) WHERE MENUNAME = :2",
new Object[]{menuRec, menuName});

while (menuSQL.Fetch(new Object[]{menuRec})) {
String itemLabel = (String)menuRec
.GetField(new Name("FIELD", "ITEMLABEL"))
nSQLChars += itemLabel.length();

return nFillChars + 100000 * nSQLChars;

This can be run from PeopleCode like this:
Local JavaObject &Test;
Local number &chars;

&Test = GetJavaClass("Test");
&chars = &Test.Test();

&Test = Null;
WinMessage("The character counts found are: " | &chars, 0);

You call a Java program from an Application Class the same way you do using any other PeopleCode program, that is, by using one of the existing Java class built-in functions.

Calling an Application Class from a Java program has the following considerations:

  • Application Classes must be accessed using the object built-in functions, such as CreateObject, ObjectDoMethod, ObjectGetProperty, and so on.

  • You cannot declare a variable of type HR.Package.SomeClass in your Java program. The variable must be of type Object.

  • There is no pre-pending the word ‘get’ or ‘set’ for properties. All classes, methods, and properties are passed as strings.

The following is an example of how to call an Application Class from a Java program.

This is the Java program:

package com.peoplesoft.pcode;
import PeopleSoft.PeopleCode.*;

public class foo {

  public foo() {
  public String getString() {

    Object foo = Func.CreateObject("GTP:Foo", new Object[]{});
    return (String)Func.ObjectDoMethod((Peer)foo, "GetString", new Object[]{});

The following is the Application Class Foo, in the Application Package Foo:

class Foo
   method GetString() Returns string;

method GetString
   /+ Returns String +/
   Return "Hello";

The following is the PeopleCode program that starts it all:

Local JavaObject &foo = CreateJavaObject("");
GTP_PARSER.GTP_STR_RESULT = &foo.getString();