Understanding Pagelet Wizard Display Sizes

In addition to the display format, pagelet sizing is also important during pagelet creation. Pagelet Wizard uses pagelet sizing that follows a basic set of rules so that pagelets are sized appropriately for PeopleSoft portal homepages. Pagelet size corresponds to the homepage layout that is specified. You can specify either a two-column layout that displays one narrow pagelet and one wide pagelet, or a three-column layout that displays three narrow pagelets.

Pagelets that you design with Pagelet Wizard should conform to the dimensions of the narrow column pagelet and (optionally) the wide column pagelet. A narrow pagelet should be 240 pixels wide. Subtracting the border and the internal margin provides 218 pixels for content. A wide pagelet should be 490 pixels wide. Subtracting the border and the internal margin provides 468 pixels for content.

If you display a pagelet that is wider than the homepage column that contains it, an error does not occur. The column expands to accommodate the content; however, this may require horizontal scrolling on the homepage, which can be inconvenient for the end user. In accordance with general pagelet design principles, make the pagelet height as short as possible.