Performing Actions on the Pivot Grid Viewer

Click the + button to drill down a dimension on the pivot grid.

Image: Pivot Grid Viewer Displaying Item Drill-Down on the Grid

The example displays an item drill-down on the pivot grid viewer.

Model in pivot grid viewer displaying an item drill down.

Drill down the aggregate values like SUM, AVG, COUNT, and so on. Click the aggregate value displayed on the grid to display the data that comprise the aggregate value.

Image: Pivot Grid Drilldown dialog box

The example displays detailed data view of an aggregate view item.

Model in Pivot Grid Viewer with Detailed Data view open.

While performing drill down on the aggregate values, note that:

  • You may not be able to drill down an aggregate value if the authentication domain is incorrect. Set it up from the PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture or in the Web Profile page. See “Configuring General Portal Properties” in Configuring Web Profiles.

  • When you move the mouse over the value numbers, they appear as underlined links. Click the links to open the Detailed Data view for the aggregate value.

  • If related actions are configured for the aggregate view, clicking the value number links populates a context menu with two options: Detailed View and Actions.

See Configuring the Related Actions Menu.

By clicking the data point on the chart, you can also drill down on aggregate values in the chart to view the detailed data that represents the chart data point; for example, a bar, a pie section, a line chart data point, and so on. If related actions are configured for the aggregate view, clicking the data point on the charts populates a context menu with three options: Detailed View, Drilldown To, and Actions.

Image: Drilldown on a chart

This example shows the Drilldown To option that enables you to drill down to an axis value.

Drilldown To option on a chart view

Image: Dragging a filter to the column

Drag the filter and move it to row or column.

Drag a filter to column

Image: Displaying the filter placed on the column axis

This example shows the report filter moved to the column axis.

Displaying the pivot grid, after a filter is dragged to column

Image: Dragging a filter to a row

This example shows how to move the Month filter to a row axis by clicking the Month field and dragging it to the X axis.

Drag a filter to row.

Image: Displaying the filter placed on the row axis

This example shows a portion of the grid view when the report filter is moved to the row axis.

Displaying the pivot grid, after a filter is dragged to a row.

When there is any change in the pivot grid, the corresponding chart also shows the change.

Image: Changing the level of a dimension

In this example, Month is changed to the highest dimension level by dragging the month up on the X axis.

Dragging dimensions on the pivot grid

Image: Grid displaying changed dimensions

This example shows a portion of the grid after changing the dimension level.

Displaying the changes after the level of dimensions are changed on the grid.

Chart also shows similar changes when there is any modification made to the grid.

You can move a row to a column and other way round too. Chart will also reflect changes made to the grid.

Image: Dragging a row to column

In this example, the Region axis is dragged to the column axis.

Dragging and changing the axis

Image: Change in chart and grid display

The chart and grid changes and shows data according to the changed axis.

Grid and chart displaying the change in axis

Image: Displays the filter created by dragging an axis from the grid.

This example shows the Values filter. Drag any dimension from the grid to top of the grid to create a filter.

A row dimension dragged to create a filter.

You can use the filter above the grid on the pivot grid viewer to select specific items. The grid and chart changes accordingly. You can select single or multiple values from one or more filter dropdown options. The filters also apply progressive filtering if they are dependent on each other.