Configuring LDAP Connection Parameters

PeopleSoft features a set of parameters that you can set that impact the connection between the application server and the LDAP directory server.

You can access and set the parameters in the LDAP section of the psappsrv.cfg file.

Should the Referrals be Followed in the Directory Server?

Use this parameter to indicate how to handle referrals in the configured directory servers.

Note that this property affects both referral error responses and continuation references.

Set the Follow Referrals parameter equal to one of the following values:

  • Y. (Default.) Follow referrals.

  • N. Do not follow referrals.

LDAP Connection Time Out in Seconds

The value of this parameter determines the time limit in seconds for the PeopleTools LDAP client to make a connection with the directory server.

Set the Connection TimeOut parameter equal to a value in seconds. The default is 30 (seconds).

Enable/Disable Connection Pooling

Use this parameter to enable or disable connection pooling.

Set the Connection Pooling parameter equal to one of the following values:

  • Y. Enable connection pooling.

  • N. (Default.) Disable connection pooling.

LDAP Connection Pooling Time Out

When connection pooling is enabled, the value of this parameter determines the time limit in seconds to hold the connections in the connection pool without being closed and removed from the pool.

To use this parameter set the Connection Pooling TimeOut parameter equal to a value from 0 to 999999 (seconds).

The default value is 300 seconds.

Should LDAP Pick Up Any Changes from SSL Certificates?

This parameter is reserved for future use.

LDAP Logging Detail Level

Use the LDAP LogFence parameter to set the log level. The valid values are:

  • 0. Suppress logging.

  • 1. (Default.) Errors and exceptions.

  • 2. Transaction status.

  • 3. Detailed tracing.