Viewing SQR Output

SQR normally places the SQR program output files in the directory from which you run the program. The output file has the same file name as the SQR file that created it, but the file extension is different.

The output files should appear as soon as your program has finished running. If you specified the -KEEP argument, one output file is in SQR Portable Format (recognizable by its .spf extension). SQR Portable Format is discussed later in this guide, but for now, you can view the sample program .spf file output, <filename>.spf, on Microsoft Windows platforms with the SQR Viewer GUI (sometimes referred to as an SPF Viewer). Invoke the SQR Viewer by entering sqrw at the command line.

On Microsoft Windows and UNIX/Linux systems, the program also produces an output file with an .lis extension. You can view this output file type from the command line with such commands as TYPE on Microsoft Windows systems or CAT, MORE, and VI on UNIX/Linux systems. Use the command that is appropriate to your system to view or print the .lis file.

The output for the example program looks like this for all platforms:

Hello, World.

You may also see a character such as ^L or <FF> at the end of this output file. It is the form-feed character that ejects the last page. This guide does not show form-feed characters.