Working With Data Model

PeopleSoft database stores the mapping of PeopleSoft application records/fields to OPA data model elements (entities, attributes, relationships).

In a Data Model, you specify the PeopleSoft records and fields that you want to expose to OPA. You assign PeopleSoft records and fields to OPA entities and attributes respectively. Also, you can specify the relationships that exist between the PeopleSoft records.

Select PeopleTools, OPA Administration, Data Model to access the Data Model page.

Application developers use this page to create a data model and map a PeopleSoft record to an OPA entity.

Image: Data Model page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Data Model page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Data Model page

Field or Control


Data Model ID

The name of the data model.


A descriptive name for the data model.

Seq No

Sequence numbers are used for numbering purpose only.

Entity Name

Specify the OPA Entity Name that is to be assigned for each PeopleSoft record (Record Name). In the Rules Document, the PeopleSoft records are referred to by the Entity Names entered on this page.

Entity Type

Valid entity types are:

  • Global Input: A data model can contain only one entity of this type. This entity contains input attributes that appear at the global level of an ASSESS request message.

  • Global Output: A data model can contain only one entity of this type. This entity contains output attributes that appear at the global level of an ASSESS response message.

  • Input: These entities contain input attributes, which contain input data that is sent as part of an ASSESS request message.

  • Input/Output: These entities contain attributes of both types, that is, input entity and output entity.

  • Output: These entities contain output attributes, which are calculated outcome values that appear in an ASSESS response message.

Record Name

The PeopleSoft record that is mapped to an OPA Entity Name.


A descriptive name for the OPA entity.

Configure Entity

Click the Configure Entity link if you want to configure an entity. You can set attributes, relationships, and filters for an entity.

Select PeopleTools, OPA Administration, Data Model, and then click the Configure Entity link.

You use the Entity page to map a PeopleSoft field to an OPA attribute, specify relationships between PeopleSoft records, and set filter conditions.

Setting Attributes

You use the Attributes tab to assign a PeopleSoft field to an OPA attribute.

Image: Entity - Attributes page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Entity - Attributes page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Entity page

Field or Control


Seq No

Sequence numbers are used for numbering purpose only.

Field Name

Specify a PeopleSoft field that you want to map to an OPA attribute. In the Rules Document, the PeopleSoft fields are referred to by the OPA Attribute entered on this page.

OPA Attribute

Specify an OPA attribute that is mapped to a PeopleSoft field.

Attribute Data Type

Valid data types:

  • Boolean

  • Currency

  • Date

  • Date Time

  • Number

  • Text

  • Time

Response Data Type

This field is available for any output attribute type such as Global Output, Output, and Input/Output entity types.

Valid response data types are:

  • decision-report - When you select decision-report, the OPA Determinations Server returns not only the value for the output attribute, but also the decision report, which traces the path in the decision tree to check how the value was arrived at or computed.

  • value-only - When you select value-only, the OPA Determinations Server returns only the value for the output attribute.


A descriptive name for the PeopleSoft field and OPA attribute association.

Setting Relationships

You use the Relationships tab to indicate the relationships between two PeopleSoft records. These relationships will be used to frame rules in OPA between source and target entities.

Image: Entity - Relationships page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Entity - Relationships page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Entity - Relationships page

Field or Control


Seq No
Target Entity

The OPA entity assigned to a PeopleSoft record.

Record Name

The PeopleSoft record assigned to an OPA entity.

Entity Type

Valid entity types are:

  • Global Input

  • Global Output

  • Input

  • Input/Output

  • Output

Relationship Name

Specify a descriptive name.

Entity Relationship Type

Valid relationship types are:

  • Many to one.

  • Many to many.

  • One to one.

  • One to many.

Configure Relationship

Click the Configure Relationship link to set the following fields:

  • Seq No

  • Target Attribute

Setting Filters

Filter conditions provided for each input entity enable the PeopleTools Application Package API—OPA_ADMIN:ProcessRequest—to filter out a sub-set of data rows from each input record and build the ASSESS request message.

Filter tab contains only filter conditions on the attributes of the entity. The actual values for these filter conditions are provided dynamically at run-time when the AE program invokes the OPA_ADMIN:ProcessRequest API.

Image: Entity - Filters page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Entity - Filters page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Entity - Filters page

Field or Control


Seq No

The order in which you provide the filter conditions on this page is the order in which you should provide the filter values when invoking the OPA_ADMIN:ProcessRequest API.

Field Name

Specify a field from the input record for which you want to specify a filter condition.

Field Operator

PeopleSoft supports the commonly used field operators.

Note: The filter values provided in the AE program for the filter conditions should be as per the base language.


import OPA_ADMIN:ProcessRequest;

Local Rowset &rsFilters = CreateRowset(Record.OPA_ENT_FILTERS);
&rsFilters.GetRow(1).OPA_ENT_FILTERS.OPA_SEQ_NBR.Value = "1";
&rsFilters.GetRow(1).OPA_ENT_FILTERS.OPA_FILTER_VALUE.Value = "Soft Stuff";

	 Local OPA_ADMIN:ProcessRequest &processReq = create OPA_ADMIN:ProcessRequest("RD_DATAMODEL", "RetailDiscounts",
catch Exception &e
   MessageBox(0, "", 0, 0, "Got Exception from OPA Process Request: " | &e.ToString( False));