Constructing Command Lines for Configuring Change Assistant

Configuring Change Assistant includes the following:

  • ENVIMP = Import Environment

  • ENVCREATE = Create Environment

  • ENVUPDATE = Update Environment

  • EMFVAL = Validate EMF Settings

  • OPTIONS = Set General Options

  • EXPCFG = Export configuration

  • IMPCFG = Import configuration

  • UPLDTGT = Upload Target Database

The action ENVIMP is used to import an environment that was previously exported.

Command line format:

changeassistant.bat -MODE UM -ACTION ENVIMP -FILEPATH <location of xml file> -FILE <xml file name> -REPLACE <Y or N>


changeassistant.bat -MODE UM -ACTION ENVIMP -INI <path to ini file>




Change Assistant Action (Required)

UM = Update Manager


Action name (Required)

ENVIMP = Import Environment


Location of xml file to be uploaded. (Required)

Example: -FILEPATH C:\pt8.53


Name of xml file to be uploaded. (Required)]

Example: -FILE PT903R1.xml


Replace existing data if it exists (Optional)

  • Y = Replace existing values if they exist. (default)

  • N = Do not replace values if they exist.


Path to ini file.

See Using a Configuration File with Changeassistant.bat

The action ENVCREATE is used to create an environment using the command line.

Command line format:

changeassistant.bat -MODE UM -ACTION ENVCREATE -TGTENV <target database> -OUT <log path> -REPLACE <Y or N> -EXONERR <Y or N> -CKYN <Y or N> -CT <database type> -CS <database server name> -OID <owner ID> -UNI <unicode> -CA <access id> -CAP <access id password> -CO <user id> -CP <user password> -CI <connect id> -CW <connect id password> -CZYN <Y or N> -CZ <DB owner> -CZP <DB owner password> -SQH <path to SQL Query tool> -INP <products> -PL <product line> -IND <industry> -INL <languages> -INBL <BASE LANGUAGE> -PSH <path to PS Home> -PAH <path to PS App Home> -PCH <path to PS Cust Home> -SQRF <SQR flags> -NPYN <Y or N> -NPSH <path to new PS Home> -NPAH <path to new PS App Home> -NPCH <path to new PS Cust Home> -NSQRF <new SQR Flags>


changeassistant.bat -MODE UM -ACTION ENVCREATE -INI <path to ini file>

The parameters for ENVCREATE action are:




Change Assistant Action (Required)

UM = Update Manager


Action name (Required)

ENVCREATE = Create Environment


Name of target database. (Required)


Path of log file (Optional)

If the log directory is not specified it uses the default defined under General Options.


Replace existing data if it exists (Optional)

  • Y = Replace existing values if they exist. (default)

  • N = Do not replace values if they exist.


Specify whether or not to launch GUI if an error or manual stop is encountered. (Optional)

  • Y = Do not Launch

  • N= Launch (default)


Validate database connection and retrieve information from database (Optional)

Y = Validate (by default)

N = Do not validate


Database Type (Required)

Database type is a number:

1 – DB2 zOS

2 – Oracle

3 – Informix

4 – DB2 LUW

6 – Sybase

7 – Microsoft SQL Server


Database Server Name (Optional)


Owner ID (Optional)


Unicode (Required)

  • Y = Yes

  • N = No


User ID (Required)


User Password (Required)


Access ID (Required)


Access Password (Required)


Connect ID (Required)


Connect Password (Required)


Set DB Owner Credentials (Optional)

  • Y = Yes

  • N = No (default)


DBOwner ID (Required if –CZYN is Y)


DBOwner Password (Required if –CZYN is Y)


SQL Query Tool (Required)


Installed Products (Required)

Specify either all , a single or multiple products.

For example:

  • -INP all

  • -INP FMA



Product Line (Optional)


Industry (Required)

Specify either all , or a specific industry.

For example:

  • -IND all

  • -IND Commercial


Languages (Required)

Specify either all , or a specific languages.

For example:

  • -INL all



Base language (Required)


PS Home (Required)


PS App Home (Required)


PS Cust Home (Required)


SQR Flags (Optional)


Enable new PS Home (Optional)

  • Y = Yes

  • N = No (default)


New PS Home (Required if –NPSH is Y)


New PS App Home (Required if –NPSH is Y)


New PS Cust Home (Required if –NPSH is Y)


New SQR Flags (Optional)


Path to ini file.

See Using a Configuration File with Changeassistant.bat

The action ENVUPDATE is used to set options using the command line.

The command line for updating the environment uses the same parameters as creating an environment (ENVCREATE), except -REPLACE is not included.

The action OPTIONS is used to set options using the command line.

Command line options are available for the General Options, EM Hub Options, and PUM Source Options. Additional options are not supported via command line.

Command line format:

changeassistant.bat -MODE UM -ACTION OPTIONS -OUT <path to output log> -REPLACE <Y or N> -EXONERR <Y or N> -SWP <True or False> -MCP <maximum concurrect processes> -PSH <path to PS Home> -STG <staging directory> -OD <output directory> -DL <download directory> -SQH <path to SQL Query tool> -EMYN <Y or N) -EMH <server host name> -EMP <server host port> -EMC <chunck size> -EMPING <ping interval> -EMDRV <drives to crawl> -SRCYN <Y or N> -SRCENV <PUMsource database name> -PUH <PUM PS Home> -PIA <PUM PIA URL>


changeassistant.bat -MODE UM -ACTION OPTIONS -INI <path to ini file>

The parameters for OPTIONS action are:




Change Assistant Action (Required)

UM = Update Manager


Action name (Required)

OPTIONS = Set General Options


Path of log file (Optional)

If the log directory is not specified it uses the default defined under General Options.


Replace existing data if it exists (Optional)

  • Y = Replace existing values if they exist. (default)

  • N = Do not replace values if they exist.


Specify whether or not to launch GUI if an error or manual stop is encountered. (Optional)

  • Y = Do not Launch

  • N= Launch (default)


Show Welcome Menu (Optional)

  • True = Show welcome page

  • False = Do not show welcome page


Maximum Concurrent Processes (Optional)


PS Home (Optional)


PS App Home (Optional)


PS Cust Home (Optional)


Staging Directory (Optional)


Output Directory (Optional)


Download Directory (Optional)


PeopleSoft Update Directory (Optional)


SQL Query Tools (Optional)


Configure EM Hub for file deploy (Optional)

  • Y = Yes

  • N = No (default)


Server Host Name (Required if –EMYN is Y)


Server Host Port (Required if –EMYN is Y)


Chunk Size (Required if –EMYN is Y)


Ping Interval (Required if –EMYN is Y)


Drives to Crawl (Required if –EMYN is Y)


Configure PUM Source (Optional)

  • Y = Yes

  • N = No (default)


PUM Source Database Name (Required if –SRCYN is Y)


PUM PS Home Directory (Required if –SRCYN is Y)


PUM Source PIA URL (Required if –SRCYN is Y)


Path to ini file.

See Using a Configuration File with Changeassistant.bat

The action EMFVAL is used to validate EMF using the command line.

Note: In Linux/UNIX, the user running validating EMF settings should have write permission to PS_APP_HOME.

Command line format:

changeassistant.bat -MODE UM -ACTION EMFVAL -OUT <path to log file>  -EXONERR <Y or N>


changeassistant.bat -MODE UM -ACTION EMFVAL -INI <path to ini file>

The parameters for EMFVAL action are:




Change Assistant Action (Required)

UM = Update Manager


Action name (Required)

EMFVAL = Validate environment


Path to log file. (Optional)


Specify whether or not to launch GUI if an error or manual stop is encountered. (Optional)

  • Y = Do not Launch

  • N= Launch (default)


Path to INI file.

See Using a Configuration File with Changeassistant.bat

The action UPLDTGT is used to a target database using the command line.

Command line format:

changeassistant.bat -MODE UM -ACTION UPLDTGT -OUT <path to log file>  -EXONERR <Y or N>


changeassistant.bat -MODE UM -ACTION UPLDTGT -INI <path to ini file>

The parameters for UPLDTGT action are:




Change Assistant Action (Required)

UM = Update Manager


Action name (Required)

UPLDTGT = Upload target database


Target database (Required)


Path to log file. (Optional)


Specify whether or not to launch GUI if an error or manual stop is encountered. (Optional)

  • Y = Do not Launch

  • N= Launch (default)


Path to ini file.

See Using a Configuration File with Changeassistant.bat