Using Update Manager Utilities

Update Manager Utilities include:

  • Review Change Package

  • Delete Change Package

  • Merge Change Package

  • Analyze Applied PRP(s)

You can also select the Review Package Definition link on the Define Change Package Step 6 of 6 page.

Image: Review Change Package (top of page)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Review Change Package (top of page). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Review Change Package (top of page)

Image: Review Change Package (bottom of page)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Review Change Package (bottom of page). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Review Change Package (bottom of page)

The Review Change Package page is display only to provide information on the change package.

Incomplete packages will not display all of the fields.

Field or Control


Package Status

Indicates the current status of the package.

  • Incomplete - the change package definition has not been completed in the Update Manager UI.

  • Complete - the change package definition has been completed in the Update Manager UI.

  • Package Created - the change package has been created in Change Assistant.

Search Scope

Indicates the scope used to create the change package.

Depending on the scope selected, additional information is displayed.

Dependency Calculation

Indicates which type of dependency calculation used to create the change package (Standard or PostReq's Included).

Summary of Metadata for this Package

For each metadata type, if there is metadata, a link Available is displayed. Use this link to go to that section of the page.

If the metadata type is not contained in the package, the metadata type will indicate Not Applicable.

Bugs delivered through a PRP, will have no data on components to test , therefore Components to Test will indicate No Data.


For change packages that are complete, use this link to view the steps in the change package template.

Included Bugs

For change packages that are complete, you see a grid displaying the bug in the change package, with a flag indicating the selected bugs. Use the detail icon to view bug details.

Included Managed Objects

For change packages that are complete, you see a grid listing the Managed Objects included in this package.

Included ADS Managed Objects

For change packages that are complete, you see a grid listing the ADS Managed Objects included in this package.

Customization Impact

Lists the impacted customization names.

Existing Tests

Lists the existing test names that cover objects delivered in this package.

Components To Test

Lists the components to test for this package.


Click Template link on the Review Change Packages page to open the Change Package Template window listing the chapters, tasks, steps, and step scripts in the change package template.

Image: Change Package Template

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Change Package Template. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Change Package Template

Image: Delete Package Definition page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Delete Package Definition page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Delete Package Definition page

Field or Control


Package Name

Search by package name.

Database Name

Search by database name.

Package Status

Search by package status. Package statuses are:

  • Complete

  • Imported

  • Incomplete

  • Package Created

Package Type

Search by package type. Package types are:

  • Application Upgrade

  • Tools Delta Package

  • Required for Upgrade

  • Translations Delta Package

  • Updates

The Select Package Definitions to Delete grid will list all the change packages that meet the selection criteria. Select the change packages to delete and click the Delete Selected button.

The following restrictions apply to merging change packages.

  • Change Packages must have same target database.

  • Change Package definition must have a status of complete or incomplete,

  • Change Package type is Update(PUM).

  • Change Package is defined, but not created in Change Assistant.

To merge change packages:

  1. From the Update Manager Dashboard select the target database.

  2. Expand Update Manager Utilities and select Merge Change Packages.

  3. On Step 2 of 6, Create is selected by default and is the only option available. Enter the package name and description.

  4. Click Next.

  5. On Step 3 of 6, select the packages to merge.

  6. Click Next.

    Note: Step 4 of 6 is skipped.

  7. On Step 5 of 6 review the bugs.

  8. Click Next. You will receive a message that there are overlapping packages, click OK.

  9. Step 6 of 6 indicates the change package was successfully created.

Image: Merge Change Packages Step 2 of 6

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Merge Change Packages Step 2 of 6 page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Merge Change Packages Step 2 of 6

Field or Control



Create is the only available option.

Package Name

Enter a name for your merged change package.

If you have existing defined or created Change Package definitions that have not been applied to your target database, conflicts may exist after applying PRPs to the PUM source that will impact the existing Change Package. The PRP may contain post requisite updates, which would result in a partial and undocumented apply. To prevent this scenario, conflicts will be detected when the PRP is applied to the PUM source and displayed on the Analyze Applied PRP(s) page. The Recalculate Selected Package Definitions button on the Analyze Applied PRP(s) page will run the application engine program PTIARECALCCP to recalculate the package and remove the conflicting bugs.

Image: Analyze Applied PRP(s) page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Analyze Applied PRP(s) page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Analyze Applied PRP(s)

Field or Control


Filter Options

Set the filter to show all or conflicts only.

Package Name

Name of the unapplied Change Package definition.


Change Package type:

  • Update

  • Required for Upgrade

  • Tools Delta

Note: PRPs do not deliver changes to translations, therefore Translation packages (TDP) are not affected.

Conflict Resolved

Indicates whether or not the conflict has been resolved.

Initial Bug Count

Indicates the initial number of bugs in the change package.

Resolved Bug Count

Indicates the number of bugs after the conflict has been resolved. If Conflict Resolved is No, the resolved bug count will be Pending.

Updated On

Date the change package was last updated.

Select All

Click to select all packages.

Deselect All

Click to deselect all packages.

Recalculate Selected Package Definitions

Click to recalculate the selected packages.

This will launch the PTIARECALCCP application program in Process Scheduler. Depending on the size of the Change Package, the job may take a while to complete. This program will set the Conflict Resolved Status to Y (Yes) if successful or E (Error) if a failure occurs.