Using Drag and Drop
You can move detail values and nodes using drag-and-drop functionality as a substitute for cut-and-paste.
When using drag-and-drop functionality with nodes, you can use either the Paste as Child or Paste as Sibling actions.
Note: The Paste as Sibling action is not available in Query Access Manager.
The following rules apply when using drag and drop:
You can drop values onto the root node, but you cannot drag the root node onto another value.
You can drag nodes and detail values to another location, but you cannot drop nodes onto detail values.
You cannot drag and drop on:
Branched nodes.
View-only trees.
Dynamic detail leaves.
Drag-and-drop functionality is available only for a single page that is opened in a browser.
To move a node or a leaf between different pages, use cut-and-paste functionality instead.
The drag-and-drop default action is set in the display options.
Note: To use drag-and-drop on large trees, change the Number of Lines per Page field to a greater number.