Using Additional PeopleCode Functions and Variables

You might find the following Workflow PeopleCode functions and variables useful as you begin more advanced workflow development.

GenerateActGuideContentURL, GenerateActGuidePortalURL, GenerateActGuideRelativeURL

These functions generate different types of URLs to the specified workflow activity guide (life event). Generally these functions are used in iScripts for populating application pages that you are generating on your own with HTML.

See The Generate Functions.


When you open a page from a worklist (by selecting one of the work items), this function enables you to get the value from one of the fields in the worklist record of the current item. The syntax is:


The field_name parameter specifies the field from which you want the data. It must be a field from the worklist record definition.

See GetWLFieldValue.


When you open a page from a worklist (by selecting one of the work items), this function marks the current worklist entry as worked. MarkWLItemWorked takes no parameters and can be used only in Workflow PeopleCode.

See MarkWLItemWorked.

System Variables

You might want to use these system variables during workflow development. If you did not open this page from a worklist, some variables are blank.

Field or Control



The name of the business process for the worklist from which you are currently processing a work item.


The instance ID for the work item that you are currently processing.


The name of the worklist from which you are currently processing a work item.