Date Formats

Date formats consist of these components, placed inside quotation marks, in this order:

(Format type)(Separator)(Year size)(Case)(Locale)



Format type

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, or X. You must include a format type if you want to specify a separator, a year size, or a locale.

The default is 1 (one).

See Date Format Types for a list of the various format types.


For the separator character, you can enter a backslash (/), a dash (-), a period (.), a comma (,), or B (or b), which indicates a blank space.

You should only enter separator characters for format types which include separators (see the table of format types below).

If the format type does not include separators, such as format type C, the system ignores any separator character you enter.

The default separator is a backslash (/).

Year size

For the year size, you can specify either 2 (09) or 4 (2097) to indicate a two- or four-digit year. Use four-digit years.

DAL functions use a four-digit year unless the format or the input data specifies otherwise.

For example, if you enter 1/2, you specify date format 1 and a two-digit year, such as 02/17/09.


(Optional) To return an uppercase date, such as FEBRUARY 17, 2009, include this character before the Locale: >

To return a lowercase date, such as february 17, 2009, include this character before the Locale: <

For a mixed case date, such as February 17, 2009, omit this parameter.


For DAL functions, you can enter an additional component to specify the locale. This is done with @xxx, where xxx indicates the locale. You must include the @, or the system ignores the locale code (xxx).

US English (USD) is the default.

See Countries, Languages and Locales, for a list of locale codes.

Note Date formats are also used in the variable field properties. If you try to use DAL to place a formatted date value into a variable field with a different date format, the system will try to convert the date to the proper format. This can result in an incorrect value and may cause an error message if it cannot be converted.

See Also