Numeric Formats

The following table describes some common components that make up numeric formats.




Tells the system to automatically insert a comma in the specified position(s) of the field at data entry time.


Tells the system to place a number zero through nine (0-9) in that space. If there is no number to fill a digit preceding the number, the system uses zeros as placeholders.


Tells the system to accept only a decimal point in the specified position at data entry time.


Tells the system to automatically suppress leading zeros in the specified positions of the field at data entry time.

Before version 10.0, system would suppress zeros and insert blanks. In version 10.0 and in subsequent versions, the system will not print a blank character.

For example, if the field format was ($zzzzz9.99 and you entered $255.98, the system would display ( $258.98). In version 10.0 and in subsequent versions, it shows ($258.98).


Tells the system to automatically insert a dollar sign in the specified position of the field at data entry time. The dollar sign may be used in a drifting manner or dollar fill. A single dollar sign in a field specifies that a currency system will always appear in the right most position before the first non-zero number. A dollar fill is specified by two dollar signs in the field format. A dollar fill specifies that leading zeros will be suppressed and replaced by the $symbol.


Works much the same way as a dollar fill, but suppresses zeros with asterisks instead of dollar signs. An asterisk (*) must follow a dollar sign to a valid field format.

The following lists provides examples of various numeric formats:


See Also