6 View Data Loading Status

The Data Loading Status page allows you to view the status of the upload and download processes, so that you can rectify any issues associated with the upload/download process.

The page allows you to drill down to the errors or warnings associated with a selected upload/download request.

You can access the Data Loading Status page from the Task menu, select Foundation Data > Review Status. The Data Loading Status page appears.

Figure 6-1 Data Loading Status Page

Data Loading Status Page

The table displays the process, process description, file name, template category and type, destination, action date and time, status and the user, who initiated the process.

Table - Actions Menu and Icons

Use the Actions Menu and icons to apply actions to the table. You can perform the actions listed below.

Table 6-1 Data Loading Status Table - Actions Menu/Icons and Description

Actions Menu/Icons Description

Delete and Delete icon delete icon

If no errors occurred with the process and data was fully loaded into Merchandising, or if you wish to re-try the load again after errors have been correct, the process can be deleted in the table.

You can delete a process by using the following steps:

  • Select a record in the table.

  • Select Actions > Delete or use the Delete icon delete icon.

  • You are prompted, if you want to delete the record. Select Yes to confirm the prompt.

  • The record is deleted from the table.

View Issues and View Issues button

To view the warnings and errors associated with a selected upload/download request:

  • Select a record in the table.

  • Select Actions > View Issues or use the View Issues button. The Issues page appears.

  • Click Done to close the page.

Upload to RMS

With this option you can upload the selected process from Staging to the Merchandising tables.

This option is only enabled for items, cost changes, and purchase orders which were loaded with a destination of Staging Tables and do not hold the status ”Processed with Errors”.

Download Staged

This option allows you to download the staged records of a process to a spreadsheet.

  • Select a record in the table.

  • Select Actions > Download Staged. The staged record are downloaded to your desktop.

This option is only enabled for Item induction, Cost Change induction and Order induction records.