Send a Message to Subcontractors in a Tender Package

If you have published a tender package, you can send a message to any tenderers who have been added to the tender package. Messages appear in subcontractors' email inboxes from the sender

Tenderers cannot respond to these messages. The only kind of two-way messaging that occurs between general contractors and subcontractors in Preconstruction is through RFIs.

When you send subcontractors a message, they will receive a notification in the application and by email. They can preview the names of attached files in the email notification, but they will need to log into the application to download them locally.

To send a message to subcontractors in a tender package:

  1. Select the Tenders tab to open the All projects page.
  2. On the All projects page, select a project.
  3. On the Tender Packages tab, select a tender package.
  4. On the Messages tab, select Create and choose the subcontractors who you want to receive the message.

    To send messages to several recipients quickly, you can choose common grouping options for subcontractors you've included in the tender package. Options include all tenderers, all tenderers excluding those who've declined, or more specific options are available from Select tenderers. For example, you may need to alert subcontractors that you've made some changes to your tender package details, but those who aren't interested don't need to receive the update.

    The option you select here simply populates the To field in the next step, where you can add other contacts individually, if needed.

  5. On the Create message page, in the To field, add any other recipients.

    You can only add contacts who have already been added as potential tenderers to the tender package.

  6. Add the Subject, your Message, and any Files you want to include with the message. You can add emphasis to your message, or highlight important information, by formatting your text using basic text and list formatting, such as bold, Italics, and bullets.

    You can send file attachments to the tenderers in a project for all tender packages, or you can specify a single tender package, if only certain tenderers need additional information and files.

    Select Preview to see what the message will look like to its recipients. If you send any file attachments, the recipients will be able to download them from the Messages tab.

  7. Select Send.


Last Published Friday, February 23, 2024