Review Proposals

As tenderers submit proposals for a tender package, you can review all of them side-by side on the Tenders tab.

To review a proposal:

  1. Select the Tenders tab to open the All projects page.
  2. On the All projects page, select a project.
  3. On the Tender Packages tab, select a tender package.
  4. On the Quotes tab, review the summary information of all submitted tenders, including the Lowest, Median, and Highest tenders.
  5. Review the information for each tender in the tender summary cards. You will be able to see the organization, most recent date of invitation, and number of invitations sent, as well as other basic information. Each organization is prompted to confirm that they have reviewed all associated addenda before submitting a tender. As a general contractor, you will see a red indicator beside the tenderer name if all addenda have not been reviewed.

    To see more information about a tender, select View Details.

    You can also Award a Tender Package or Revise a Proposal on behalf of a Tenderer. If the proposal has been revised, the revision number displays on both the summary card and in the details panel.

Last Published Friday, February 23, 2024