Add a Folder at the Tender Package Level

You can add a file folder from within a tender package record.

Adding a folder in a tender package actually adds it to the project that contains the tender package. It also immediately makes it available in the tender package. Adding a folder here is the same as adding a folder in the project and then allocating that folder to the tender package.

To add a file folder at the tender package level:

  1. On the All projects page, select a project.
  2. On the Tender Packages tab, select a tender package.
  3. On the Files tab, select Edit.
  4. Select Add folder.
  5. In the new folder row, enter the name of the new folder and select Update.
  6. Select Save.

    Note: You will receive an error message if your folder name contains the following special characters: ?*<>_|:\/"% or exceeds the 255 character limit.


Last Published Friday, February 23, 2024