Add a File at the Tender Package Level

You can add a file to a project from within a tender package. The maximum file size is 500 MB.

Which file types are supported? Virtually all document file types are supported, but you cannot upload executable, script, or markup files such as .exe, .html, or.vbx files.

Note: You will receive an error message if you attempt to upload a file that—

To add a file at the tender package level:

  1. On the All projects page, select a project.
  2. On the Tender Packages tab, select a tender package.
  3. On the Files tab, select Edit.
  4. Select the folder to which you want to add the file.
  5. Select Add Files.
  6. In the Add Files drawer, add your files in the file area and then select Add.

    Note: A progress bar displays when you upload a file attachment. The file upload could take some time, depending on its size. If the process will take longer than one minute, you will receive a notification. You can open Preconstruction in another tab to continue working in the application, or you can continue to wait until the upload is complete.
