Installing Oracle Database 18c

To download and install Oracle Database, refer to the Oracle Technology Network (OTN) website at

To install Oracle Database 18c for a Simphony installation, from the database server:

  1. Select the Accept License Agreement option to download the software.
  2. Select the server’s compatible operating system, typically Microsoft Windows x64 (64–bit).
  3. Since the downloaded file is compressed, beginning with Oracle Database 18c, Image Based Installation has been introduced. Previously, with Oracle Database 11g or 12c, you were allowed to select the location of your db_home directory. With Oracle Database 18c, via Image Based Installation, the Oracle Universal Installer takes the location of the setup.exe file and assigns its db_home location.
    1. Prior to performing the Oracle Database 18c software download, create a new folder on the database server’s ‘C’ drive named: Oracle18c (with no spaces in the folder name).
    2. Logon as a Windows Administrator and, download and extract the Oracle 18c installation file into the newly created Oracle18c folder. Since the file is nearly 10GB in size, the extraction takes some time.
  4. Once extracted, locate and right-click on the setup.exe and select Run as administrator.
  5. Select Create and configure a single instance database. This option creates a starter database., and then click Next.

    Figure 2-27 Select Configuration Option

    This figure shows the Select Configuration Option window.
  6. Select Server class, and then click Next.

    Figure 2-28 Select System Class

    This figure shows the Select System Class Option window.
  7. Select Advanced install, and then click Next.

    Figure 2-29 Select Install Type

    This figure shows the Select Install Type Option window.
  8. Select Enterprise Edition and then click Next.

    Figure 2-30 Specify Database Edition

    This figure shows the Specify Database Edition Option window.
  9. Select Use Windows Built-in Account, and then click Next.

    Figure 2-31 Specify Oracle Home User

    This figure shows the Specify Oracle Home User Option window.
  10. Confirm the Built-in Account selection by responding to the message prompt by clicking Yes, and then click Next.

    Figure 2-32 Specify Oracle Home User

    This figure shows the Built-in Account selection message prompt window .
  11. Enter (or browse to) the path to place the Oracle software and configuration files in the Oracle base field, and then click Next.

    Figure 2-33 Specify Installation Location

    This figure shows the Specify Installation Location window, where the path is entered to store the Oracle Database software and configuration files.
  12. Select the General Purpose / Transaction Processing database type, and then click Next.

    Figure 2-34 Select Configuration Type

    This figure shows the Select Configuration Type window.
  13. Enter the database name and system identifier in the Global database name and Oracle system identifier (SID) fields respectively, and then click Next.

    Figure 2-35 Specify Database Identifiers

    This figure shows the Specify Database Identifiers window.
  14. Configure the Memory allocation for your system, and then click the Character sets tab.

    Figure 2-36 Specify Configuration Options

    This figure shows the Specify Configuration Options window, specifically the Memory, Character sets, and Sample schemas tabs.
  15. From the Character sets tab, select Use Unicode (AL32UTF8) as the character set. *(Optional) You can click the Sample schemas tab and install a sample schema in the starter database, and then click Next.

    Figure 2-37 Specify Configuration Options — Character Sets

    This figure shows the Specify Configuration Options window, specifically the Character sets tab.
  16. Select File system as the database storage option, and enter (or browse to) the database file path in the Specify database file location field, and then click Next. From the next *(Optional) installation window, you can register for the Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c Cloud Control for your Oracle 18c database, and then click Next.

    Figure 2-38 Specify Database Storage Options

    This figure shows the Specify Database Storage Options window.
  17. *(Optional) Enable or disable recovery for your database.

    Figure 2-39 Specify Recovery Options

    This figure shows the Specify Recovery Options window.
  18. Select Use the same password for all accounts. Enter your password in the Password field, re-enter it in the Confirm password field, and then click Next.

    Figure 2-40 Specify Schema Passwords

    This figure shows the Specify Schema Passwords window.
  19. Review the Summary window to ensure that your previous selections are correct. If edits are required, click Back until you reach the window that contains the setting that needs to be changed. If no edits are necessary, click Install.

    Figure 2-41 Summary

    This figure shows the Summary window.
  20. An installation Progress Page appears that allows you to track the ongoing database creation.

    Figure 2-42 Install Product — Progress Window

    This figure shows the installation Progress window.
  21. Once complete, the Finish window appears and indicates a successful installation. Click Close to exit the installation program.

    Figure 2-43 Finish

    This figure shows the Finish window.