Assigning Condiments to Parent Menu Item Classes

  1. Select the Enterprise, property, revenue center, or zone, click Configuration, and then click Menu Item Classes.
  2. Double-click a parent menu item class.
  3. Click the Condiment Groups tab, and then select the appropriate Required Condiment Groups and Allowed Condiment Groups for the class.

    For example, if the parent menu item class is Sandwich Class, the required and allowed condiment groups are listed in the following table:

    Table 30-2 Examples of Required and Allowed Condiment Groups

    Condiment Group Examples

    Required Condiment

    Meat Group, Bread Group

    Each Required Condiment Group that you select appears on the Forced Condiments tab. From there you can enter the Minimum and Maximum amounts for each item.

    Allowed Condiment

    Meat Group, Bread Group, Cheese Group, Sauce Group, and Veggie Group

  4. (Optional) Click the Forced Condiments tab.
  5. For each required condiment group, enter the Minimum and Maximum condiment count required to complete the order.

    For example, if you set the minimum condiment count for Veggie Group as 2, the workstation operator must add two types of vegetables to complete the order.

  6. To limit the number of selections that workstation operators can add from a condiment group at a certain menu level, enter the Threshold 1 and Threshold 2 for each required condiment group.
    1. To configure the menu levels that are used for the condiment price, enter numerical values in the Threshold 1 Level and Threshold 2 Level fields corresponding to the price sequence record in the Menu Item Maintenance module for each menu level. For example, if you enter 2 and 3 in Threshold 1 and 2 Levels, Menu Item Maintenance price sequences 2 and 3 are used for condiment pricing when Threshold 1 and Threshold 2 quantities are exceeded.

    Starting with Simphony release 19.2.1, threshold configuration is supported with option 65 - Support Enhanced Prefix Mode (Parent Only) in the Menu Item Classes module. The Threshold 1 Level and Threshold 2 Level pricing is recalculated based on the value selected in the Condiment Handling with Parent Item Switching drop-down list (located in the Menu Item Classes module on the General tab): option 1 - Reset Default Condiments Only or 2 - Reset All Condiments. On the Menu Item Classes module Forced Condiments tab, do not enter zero in the Threshold 1 Level and Threshold 2 Level fields for Condiment Groups when Threshold 1 and Threshold 2 quantities are used.

    See Using Condiment Prefixes with Menu Item Classes and Configuring Menu Item Classes for more information about option 65 and enhanced prefix support.

  7. Click the Options tab, and then select the appropriate options as described in the following table:

    Table 30-3 Condiment Menu Item Class Options

    Option Description

    9 - Condiment Changes Print Group of Parent Menu Item

    Select this option to have the menu items in this class use the print group of the condiment.

    This is used to modify the parent menu item's Order Device Sorting. For example, you can use the condiment As Entree to modify an appetizer, forcing it to print and sort with other entrée menu items.

    If a parent menu item has several condiments with this option set, the last condiment for which this option is enabled determines the parent’s print group. The menu item cannot be a Condiment Prefix.

    21 - Require Number of Condiments to Match Number of Parent Items

    Select this option to match the number of the required condiments belonging to the menu item class to the number of parent menu items ordered.

    For example, if selected, when a workstation operator orders 3 Steak Dinner, the operator is prompted for the Meat Temperature condiment group three times. If this option is deselected and a workstation operator orders 3 Steak Dinner, the operator is prompted for the Meat Temperature condiment only once, and the cook assumes that all three steaks are to be prepared at the same temperature.

    23 - Add Condiment Price to the Parent Item's Price on Check Only

    Select this option to have guest checks and customer receipts show the price of condiment added to the price of the menu item it is modifying.

    For example, a Salad is $5.00, and Blue Cheese dressing is $0.25. With option 23 set, the guest check and receipt show the price as $5.25.

    This option does not apply to Condiments Prefixes.

    30 - Sort Condiments by Print Group

    Select this option to sort condiments according to their print group. Deselect to print condiments in the order in which they were ordered.

    For example, Prime Rib requires three condiments: meat temperature, potato type, and salad dressing. In addition to these required condiments, which must be entered first, other condiments such as End Cut are ordered for this item. By configuring menu item class print groups to anticipate this situation, the meat temperature items are assigned to Print Group 1, the potato type and salad dressing items are assigned to Print Group 4, and the End Cut item is assigned to Print Group 2. When the item is added, the cook sees the condiments print in this order: meat temperature, End Cut, potato type, and then salad dressing. Therefore, Simphony sorted the End Cut item immediately after the meat temperature, making the order receipt more logical to read.

    This option does not apply to Condiment Prefixes.

    41 - Consolidate Menu Items with Condiments on Order Output

    Select this option to have order devices consolidate items with condiments and print each condiment with the seat number to which the condiment applies.

    You must also select 6 - Print Seat Numbers with Individual Items from the Order Devices module at the revenue center level.

    42 - Consolidate Parents with Matching Condiments on Order Output

    Select this option to have order devices consolidate parent menu items with identical condiments.

    54 - Condiment entry/display relational to Parent Item's quantity

    Select to show the number of condiments for each parent menu item. Deselect to add each condiment individually or by quantity without relation to the parent item’s quantity. Use this option based on the ordering process and flow of operations.

    For example, if set and there are 3 Burgers, when a workstation operator enters 2 Cheese, each Burger will get 2 cheese for a total of 6 Cheese. Because the condiments are relational to the parent item’s quantity, it only shows how many Cheese each Burger will get—in this example 2 for each Burger. If deselected, to order 2 Cheese for each Burger, workstation operators must enter 6 Cheese.

  8. Click Save.
  9. Repeat Steps 2 through 8 for all parent menu item classes.