Creating Tiles (Adding Widgets to a Page)

  1. From the dashboard, tap a page, and then add a widget.
  2. (Optional) Enter the Primary Text, Secondary Text, or both to appear on the widget.

    The secondary text appears beneath the primary text in a smaller font.

  3. Select the size for the tile:
    • Small: One tile (small square)

    • Wide: Two tiles (rectangle)

    • Large: Four tiles (square)

    • Extra Large: Nine tiles (large square) (Only Today’s Special widget supports this size)

  4. (Optional) To add a background image to the tile:
    1. Tap Open.
    2. Tap Upload images(s), browse to the location of the image file or type the image URL, and then tap OK.
    3. If images were previously uploaded, tap View Album Contents, and then select the image.
    4. Tap Select to save an existing image or Crop to modify the image, and then tap Done.
  5. To add the URL Launcher widget:
    1. Enter the URL for the website.
    2. To show the keyboard icon on the tile’s top toolbar, tap Show Keyboard. This allows workstation operators to tap the keyboard icon to see the tablet keyboard on the tile.
  6. To add an Image widget, tap Open.

    When adding the Image widget, you configure both the tile image and the image that appears after the workstation operator selects the tile. If you do not add an image, the assigned tile image appears by default.

  7. To add an IP Camera Feed widget, enter the web address (URL) of the IP camera’s video stream in the Video URL field.

    Include the end query that defines the user and password of the camera (for example, http://CAMERAIPADDRESS/videostream.cgi?user=USERNAME&pwd =PASSWORD&resolution=32&rate=0).

  8. To add a PDF Viewer widget, enter the directory path to access the PDF document in the URL field.

    You must install a PDF reader application, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader, on the POS client device to use this widget.

  9. To add a Twitter widget, add a hashtag or account in the Query text field (for example, #oracle or @oracle).
  10. To add an InMotion Chart widget, select the Report and the data to appear by default from the Chart drop-down list.
  11. To add a Slideshow Item widget:
    1. Tap Slideshow Item, and then tap Open.
    2. Enter the primary and secondary text that appears on the image during the slideshow.
    3. To add images to the slideshow, tap Add More.
    4. To remove an image from the slideshow, tap Delete Item.
  12. To add a Today’s Special widget:
    1. Enter the name of the tile in the Header Text field, and then select a Template.
      • Template1 shows each menu item individually during image rotation.

      • Template2 shows each menu item and a preview pane of other menu items during image rotation.

    2. Tap Menu Item to add an image, enter the menu item name in the Title field, and then enter a Description of the menu item.
      • The Oracle MICROS Tablet E-Series 8-inch supports up to 823 characters, including spaces.

      • The Oracle MICROS Tablet E-Series 11-inch supports up to 627 characters, including spaces.

    3. Enter the Price and additional text or pricing information in the Extra field.
    4. To assign a time range to show specials for different meal periods:
      1. Tap Add Group, expand the Group panel, and then tap Recurrence.

      2. Enter a time range in 24-hour format during which the group of menu items appear, and then select either Daily or the days of the week when the group of menu items appear.

    5. Add as many menu items and groups as needed, and then tap OK.
  13. To add supported commands, assign one of the available commands to the tile.

    The Command widget does not support adding a tile image.

  14. To add a Weather widget for weather updates:
    1. To use the default service provider, select wunderground from the Provider drop-down list.
    2. To use a different service provider, enter the API URL, and then enter the API Key to authorize running the weather application programming interface (API).
    3. Enter a city name or postal code in the Location/Zip Code field for specific forecasts, and then select the desired temperature scale from the Scale drop-down list.
  15. To add an EMC widget, select the EMC task from the Command drop-down list.
    EMC widgets allow you to assign procedures, functions, and POS client commands to a tile. The EMC tasks are:
    • Clock In

    • Clock Out

    • Update Database

    • Close Application

    • Employee Training

    • Redirect Order Device

    • Edit Menu Item

    • Menu Item Availability

    • Minimize Application

    • Sign In RVC Prompt

  16. Tap Save.