Reservation List

The Reservation List contains all reservation requests for the revenue center. Hosting staff with access to the Reservation List can create, edit, and cancel reservation requests from this list. You can manage the Reservation List on its own page or as a popup in the host view.

The months of the year appear horizontally near the top of the Reservation List, and the dates appear vertically along the side. You can click the right arrow button (>>) to switch the reservations list view between the following:
  • Show assigned reservations and remaining available reservations (default)

  • Show assigned reservations only

Reservations appear sequentially by time with the configured Seats. The initial date and time shown are based on the current date and time. The allocations for times appear before the current time (to differentiate between current and future times).

The Reservation List shows the following information in columns:

Table 9-5 Reservation List Information

Column Name This Column Indicates...


The time when the reservation is scheduled to be seated. Reservations are listed sequentially by time.


The table seating capacity of each reservation.


The relevant reservation icon for each reservation (for example, phone, Internet, VIP, or cancelled).

Reservation List Icons contains a list of icon images and a description of each icon.

Guest Name

The name in which the reservation was created.

Confirmation Number

The confirmation number that the application issues after a workstation operator or guest creates a reservation.


The number of guests (actual party size) for each reservation request.

Creation Date

The date and time that each reservation request was created.

Phone Number

The guest’s phone number.