10 Windows Advanced Configuration Settings for CAL

File transfer settings normally do not need to be changed, except in the case of very low available bandwidth.

By default, the CAL client takes a best effort approach to transferring files from the Simphony application server as quickly as possible. Files are transferred from the application server in blocks and these blocks are assembled into a complete file at the client.

Default Bandwidth Requirements

  • Minimum: 8.5KB/sec per client. The CAL client expects the application server to respond to each file block request within 60 seconds (512KB / 60sec = 8.5KB/sec). Prior to CAL client 146, the package installation fails when this minimum cannot be met.

  • Maximum: None imposed by the CAL client. External factors, such as network latency and bandwidth between the application server and workstation, influence the maximum rate of transfer.


Configuration settings are available for tuning file transfers to specific customer network environments. These registry configuration settings are available in Windows CAL 148 (compatible with Simphony release 19.2) under the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Micros\CAL\Config. This is a client setting, so an administrator must add the following registry values:

  • FileTransferBlockSize: DWORD: Controls the block size for each request to the application server. If not present, the default 512kb is assumed. The minimum value is 1024 (1kb).

  • FileTransferTimeout: DWORD: Controls the maximum time (seconds) that CAL waits for a response from the application server before considering the transfer a failure. If not present, a default of 60 seconds is assumed.

  • FileTransferMaxBlocksPerSec: DWORD: Controls the maximum number of file block requests that the CAL client sends to the application within a second.

Example Throttling File Transfers to 8KB Per Second

This can be done in a custom CAL package by adjusting the following in the setup.dat file:
  1. Set ‘FileTransferBlockSize’ to 8192

  2. Set ‘FileTransferMaxBlocksPerSec’ to 1

Figure 10-1 Setup.dat Example

This figure shows an example of the setup.dat file after modifications.