Employee Levels and Roles

Each Employee Role and Enterprise Role is associated with a level. The Role Level field is designed to prevent an EMC user from modifying Employee Records to have greater permissions than the EMC user has. Consider the following example:

  • An EMC user, Henley Nelson, has an Employee Level of 2. Henley can therefore see all employees in Levels 3–9.

  • The database was programmed in a proper manner as the administrator configured the system so that super privilege roles have a level of 0, but other less-powerful roles (like Bartender or Floor Manager) have a Role Level of 3.

  • Henley is able to Edit and Add employee records.

    In this situation, when Henley uses Employee Maintenance, the Employee's Roles tab prevents Henley from adding 0-Level Roles (also 1, and 2-Level Roles) to other Employee Records. Thus, Henley cannot create a user who is more powerful than himself.

    In the rare instance that an employee is programmed incorrectly, (a 0-Level EMC user assigns a 2-Level role to a 4-Level Employee) the EMC prevents other employees from modifying this Role. Following our example with Henley, he is able to see the 4-Level employee, but the 2-Level Role assigned to the employee is disabled, and Henley is not be able to modify it.