Interface DatabaseChangeRegistration

  • <section role="region">
    • Method Detail

      • getRegistrationId

        int getRegistrationId()
        This method is deprecated in 11.2. Use getRegId() instead.
        Returns the registration id provided by the database. this is the value as the value contained in column 'regid' in table 'USER_CHANGE_NOTIFICATION_REGS'.
      • getRegId

        long getRegId()
        Returns the registration id provided by the database. this is the value as the value contained in column 'regid' in table 'USER_CHANGE_NOTIFICATION_REGS'.
      • getTables

        String[] getTables()
        Returns the name of the tables associated with this registration.
      • addListener

        void addListener​(DatabaseChangeListener listener)
                  throws SQLException
        Register a listener with this registration. The listener will be notified when an even occurs. You can register multiple listeners with this registration. The order in which they will be registered isn't guaranteed and may vary.

        Note that the listener's code will be executed in the thread owned by the driver.

      • addListener

        void addListener​(DatabaseChangeListener listener,
                         Executor e)
                  throws SQLException
        Register a listener with this registration. The listener will be notified when an even occurs. You can register multiple listeners with this registration. The order in which they will be registered isn't guaranteed and may vary.

        This method lets you control which thread will execute the listener's code when an event occurs by specifying an executor. You can provide your own executor which can for example use a pool of threads.
