
Overview  |   Related MBeans  |   Attributes  |   Operations


This class represents a WebLogic Server. A WebLogic Server is a Java process that is a container for Java EE applications.

Fully Qualified Interface NameIf you use the getMBeanInfo operation in MBeanTypeServiceMBean, supply the following value as this MBean's fully qualified interface name:
Factory Methods
Additional Access Points In addition to accessing this MBean by invoking a factory method, you can also access this MBean from the following MBean attributes:
    Access Points Inherited from TargetMBean Because this MBean extends or implements TargetMBean, you can also access this MBean by retrieving TargetMBeans. The following attributes contain TargetMBeans and its subtypes:
    Subtypes The following MBeans extend or implement this MBean type:

      Related MBeans

      This section describes attributes that provide access to other MBeans.


      Limits the list of candidate machines that the cluster specifies. (Requires you to enable this server for automatic migration and to configure the cluster with a set of candidate machines.)

      If this server fails and if it is enabled for automatic migration, Node Manager automatically restarts it. By default, Node Manager restarts the server on any of the candidate machines that the cluster specifies (in order of preference that you configured in the cluster). To change the default, you use this server's list of candidate machines to create a subset of the cluster-wide candidates. You can also change the order of preference.

      For more information, see:

      Privileges Read/Write
      Relationship type: Reference.
      Redeploy or Restart required Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.


      The cluster, or group of WebLogic Server instances, to which this server belongs.

      If set, the server will listen for cluster multicast events.

      For more information, see:

      Privileges Read/Write
      Relationship type: Reference.
      Redeploy or Restart required Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.


      The system-level Coherence cluster resource associated with this server.

      Privileges Read/Write
      Relationship type: Reference.
      Redeploy or Restart required Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.


      Returns the Coherence Operational Config overrides associated with this Server.

      Factory Methods No explicit creator method. The child shares the lifecycle of its parent.
      Privileges Read only
      Relationship type: Containment.


      Returns the server's COM configuration.


      Factory Methods No explicit creator method. The child shares the lifecycle of its parent.
      Privileges Read only
      Relationship type: Containment.


      Specifies the list of properties that are associated with this container object.

      Factory MethodscreateConfigurationProperty (java.lang.String name)

      destroyConfigurationProperty (ConfigurationPropertyMBean wsc)

      Factory methods do not return objects.

      See Using factory methods.

      Lookup OperationlookupConfigurationProperty(String name)

      Returns a for the instance of ConfigurationPropertyMBean named name.

      Privileges Read only
      Relationship type: Containment.


      The datasource configuration for the server.

      Factory Methods No explicit creator method. The child shares the lifecycle of its parent.
      Privileges Read only
      Relationship type: Containment.


      Controls the configuration of the default persistent store on this server. Each server has a default store, which is a file-based object repository used by various subsystems.

      Factory Methods No explicit creator method. The child shares the lifecycle of its parent.
      Privileges Read only
      Relationship type: Containment.


      Returns the execute queues configured for this server.

      Factory MethodscreateExecuteQueue (java.lang.String name)

      destroyExecuteQueue (ExecuteQueueMBean queue)

      Factory methods do not return objects.

      See Using factory methods.

      Lookup OperationlookupExecuteQueue(String name)

      Returns a for the instance of ExecuteQueueMBean named name.

      Privileges Read only
      Relationship type: Containment.


      Gets the Federation Services MBean

      Factory Methods No explicit creator method. The child shares the lifecycle of its parent.
      Privileges Read only
      Relationship type: Containment.


      Returns the kernel's IIOP configuration. An IIOP MBean is always linked to a particular kernel and cannot be changed. Individual attributes on the IIOP MBean may be changed, as documented, but the MBean itself may not.

      Factory Methods No explicit creator method. The child shares the lifecycle of its parent.
      Privileges Read only
      Relationship type: Containment.


      Returns the JTAMigratableTargetMBean that is used to deploy the JTA Recovery Service to (is the server's cluster is not null).

      Factory Methods No explicit creator method. The child shares the lifecycle of its parent.
      Privileges Read only
      Relationship type: Containment.


      Returns the log settings for this kernel. A Log MBean is always linked to a particular kernel and cannot be changed. Individual attributes on the Log MBean may be changed, as documented, but the MBean itself may not.

      Factory Methods No explicit creator method. The child shares the lifecycle of its parent.
      Privileges Read only
      Relationship type: Containment.


      The WebLogic Server host computer (machine) on which this server is meant to run.

      If you want to use Node Manager to start this server, you must assign the server to a machine and you must configure the machine for Node Manager.

      You cannot change this value if a server instance is already running.

      Privileges Read/Write
      Relationship type: Reference.
      Redeploy or Restart required Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.


      Network access points, or "NAPs", define additional ports and addresses that this server listens on. Additionally, if two servers both support the same channel for a given protocol, then new connections between them will use that channel.

      Factory MethodscreateNetworkAccessPoint (java.lang.String name)

      destroyNetworkAccessPoint (NetworkAccessPointMBean accessPoint)

      Factory methods do not return objects.

      See Using factory methods.

      Lookup OperationlookupNetworkAccessPoint(String name)

      Returns a for the instance of NetworkAccessPointMBean named name.

      Privileges Read/Write

      Setter method for this attribute is deprecated. Use createNetworkAccessPoint() instead.

      Relationship type: Containment.


      get attributes related to server overload protection

      Factory Methods No explicit creator method. The child shares the lifecycle of its parent.
      Privileges Read only
      Relationship type: Containment.


      The reliable delivery policy for web services.

      Privileges Read/Write
      Relationship type: Reference.
      Redeploy or Restart required Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.


      The debug setting for this server.

      Factory Methods No explicit creator method. The child shares the lifecycle of its parent.
      Privileges Read only
      Relationship type: Containment.


      The diagnostic configuration for the servers

      Factory Methods No explicit creator method. The child shares the lifecycle of its parent.
      Privileges Read only
      Relationship type: Containment.


      Returns the ServerStartMBean that can be used to start up this server remotely.

      Factory Methods No explicit creator method. The child shares the lifecycle of its parent.
      Privileges Read only
      Relationship type: Containment.


      Gets the Single Sign-On Services MBean

      Factory Methods No explicit creator method. The child shares the lifecycle of its parent.
      Privileges Read only
      Relationship type: Containment.


      Returns the kernel's SSL configuration. An SSL MBean is always linked to a particular kernel and cannot be changed. Individual attributes on the SSL MBean may be changed, as documented, but the MBean itself may not.

      Factory Methods No explicit creator method. The child shares the lifecycle of its parent.
      Privileges Read only
      Relationship type: Containment.


      The JDBC TLOG store used for transaction logging.

      Factory Methods No explicit creator method. The child shares the lifecycle of its parent.
      Privileges Read only
      Relationship type: Containment.


      Returns the web server for this server. A server has exactly one WebServer. A server may also have one or more VirtualHosts. A VirtualHost is a subclass of WebServer.

      Factory Methods No explicit creator method. The child shares the lifecycle of its parent.
      Privileges Read only
      Relationship type: Containment.


      Gets Web service configuration for this server

      Factory Methods No explicit creator method. The child shares the lifecycle of its parent.
      Privileges Read only
      Relationship type: Containment.


      The server's XML entity cache, which is used to configure the behavior of JAXP (Java API for XML Parsing).

      For more information, see:

      Privileges Read/Write
      Relationship type: Reference.
      Redeploy or Restart required Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.


      The server's XML registry, which is used to configure the behavior of JAXP (Java API for XML Parsing).

      For more information, see:

      Privileges Read/Write
      Relationship type: Reference.
      Redeploy or Restart required Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.


      This section describes the following attributes:


      The number of backlogged, new TCP connection requests that should be allowed for this server's regular and SSL ports.

      Setting the backlog to 0 may prevent this server from accepting any incoming connection on some operating systems.

      For more information, see:

      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Value300
      Minimum value0


      Enables increased efficiency of the self-tuning thread pool by aligning it with the Exalogic processor architecture threading capabilities. Use only when configuring a WebLogic domain for Oracle Exalogic.

      Available Since Release
      Privileges Read/Write


      The secure administration port for the server. This port requires that you enable the domain's administration port and that SSL is configured and enabled.

      By default, the server uses the administration port that is specified at the domain level. To override the domain-level administration port for the current server instance, set this server's administration port.

      For more information, see:

      Privileges Read/Write
      Minimum value0
      Maximum value65535
      Secure value7002


      Returns the protocol to be used for administrative connections when none is specified.

      Privileges Read/Write
      Legal Values
      • t3s
      • https
      • iiops
      • t3
      • http
      • iiop


      The number of seconds between reconnection attempts to the admin server. When the admin server fails the managed server will periodically try to connect back to it.

      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Value10
      Minimum value0
      Maximum value2147483647


      Specifies whether self-tuning should allow shrinking of its priority based queue for pending requests after it has grown in size due to busy workload, and whether it should try to purge work requests that have already been picked up for processing due to minimum threads constraints before growing the queue. Setting this to true would help reduce memory footprint after the busy work period has ended, at the expense of the overhead of growing the request queue again at the next period of busy workload. It would also help to reduce the amount of memory allocated for the request queue, at the expense of the overhead required in purging already processed work requests from the queue.

      Available Since Release
      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Valuetrue


      This is the equivalent of setting the OverloadProtectionMBean failureAction to "force-shutdown" and the panicAction to "system-exit".

      Deprecated. since Use OverloadProtectionMBean instead

      Privileges Read/Write


      Specifies whether Node Manager can automatically restart this server and its services on another machine if the server fails.

      Privileges Read/Write


      Specifies whether the Node Manager can automatically restart this server if it crashes or otherwise goes down unexpectedly.

      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Valuetrue


      Buzz endpoint address.

      Available Since Release
      Privileges Read/Write


      Enables Buzz for sending/receiving messages with peers. Enabling this attribute increases efficiency during I/O in environments with high network throughput and should be used only when configuring a WebLogic domain for Oracle Exalogic.

      Available Since Release
      Privileges Read/Write


      Buzz endpoint port.

      A value of 0 means system-allocated (dynamic) port.

      Available Since Release
      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Value0


      Private property that disables caching in proxies.

      Privileges Read only
      Redeploy or Restart required Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.


      The ClasspathServlet will serve any class file in the classpath and is registered by default in every Web application (including management). It does not need to be turned on for many applications though, and represents a security hole if unchecked.

      WLS components such as JDBC and JMS rely on the ClasspathServlet. If the servlet can not be disabled, then set the ClassPathServletSecureModeEnabled to true.

      For more information, see:

      Privileges Read/Write
      Secure valuetrue


      If secure mode is enabled, the ClasspathServlet will serve only class files from wellknown packages required for JDBC and JMS functionality. If secure mode is disabled, it represents a security hole if unchecked as the ClassPatchServlet will serve any class in the classpath and is registered by default in every Web application (including management).

      If set to true, the ClasspathServlet will not be disabled by the DefaultInternalServletsDisabled value of true.

      Privileges Read/Write
      Secure valuetrue


      Indicates if replication service should cleanup orphaned http and ejb sessions. Orphaned sessions are http and ejb session instances that are not referenced by the replication service.

      Available Since Release
      Privileges Read/Write


      Specifies whether the HttpClusterServlet proxies the client certificate in a special header.

      By default (or if you specify false), the weblogic.xml deployment descriptor for each web application that is deployed on this server determines whether the web application trusts certificates sent from the proxy server plugin. By default (or if the deployment descriptor specifies false), users cannot log in to the web application from a proxy server plugin.

      A value of true causes proxy-server plugins to pass identity certifications from clients to all web applications that are deployed on this server instance. A proxy-server plugin encodes each identify certification in the WL-Proxy-Client-Cert header and passes the header to WebLogic Server instances. A WebLogic Server instance takes the certificate information from the header, trusting that it came from a secure source, and uses that information to authenticate the user.

      If you specify true, use a to ensure that this WebLogic Server instance accepts connections only from the machine on which the proxy-server plugin is running. Specifying true without using a connection filter creates a security vulnerability because the WL-Proxy-Client-Cert header can be spoofed.

      A cluster can also specify whether the HttpClusterServlet proxies the client certificate in a special header. The cluster-level setting overrides the setting in individual servers that are part of the cluster.

      For more information, see:

      Privileges Read/Write


      The proportion of the load that this server will bear, relative to other servers in a cluster.

      If all servers have the default weight or the same weight, each bears an equal proportion of the load. If one server has weight 50 and all other servers have weight 100, the 50-weight server will bear half as much load as any other server.

      For more information, see:

      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Value100
      Minimum value1
      Maximum value100


      Specifies whether COM support is enabled on the regular (non-SSL) port. COM is not supported on the SSL port. (The remaining fields on this page are relevant only if you check this box.)


      For more information, see:

      Privileges Read/Write


      The maximum number of seconds spent waiting for a complete COM message to be received. This setting does not apply to any network channels that you have configured for this server.

      This timeout helps guard against a denial of service attack in which a caller indicates that they will be sending a message of a certain size which they never finish sending.

      Deprecated. use NetworkAccessPointMBean#getCompleteMessageTimeout()

      For more information, see:

      Available Since Release
      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Value-1
      Minimum value-1
      Maximum value480


      The maximum number of seconds spent waiting for a complete HTTP message to be received. If you configure network channels for this server, each channel can override this HTTP message timeout.

      This timeout helps guard against a denial of service attack in which a caller indicates that it will be sending a message of a certain size which it never finishes sending.

      A value of -1 indicates that this value should be obtained from network channels configured for this server.

      Deprecated. use NetworkAccessPointMBean#getCompleteMessageTimeout()

      For more information, see:

      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Value-1
      Minimum value-1
      Maximum value480


      The maximum number of seconds spent waiting for a complete IIOP message to be received. This timeout helps guard against denial of service attacks in which a caller indicates that they will be sending a message of a certain size which they never finish sending.

      Deprecated. use NetworkAccessPointMBean#getCompleteMessageTimeout()

      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Value-1
      Minimum value-1
      Maximum value480


      The maximum number of seconds that this server waits for a complete message to be received. If you configure network channels for this server, each channel can override this message timeout.

      This timeout helps guard against a denial of service attack in which a caller indicates that it will be sending a message of a certain size which it never finishes sending.

      CompleteMessageTimeout affects the HTTP Response, such that if WebLogic Server discovers sockets inactive for longer than the CompleteMessageTimeout, the server will close these sockets.

      For more information, see:

      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Value60
      Minimum value0
      Maximum value480


      The maximum number of seconds spent waiting for a complete T3 message to be received. If you configure network channels for this server, each channel can override this T3 message timeout.

      This timeout helps guard against a denial of service attack in which a caller indicates that it will be sending a message of a certain size which it never finishes sending.

      Deprecated. use NetworkAccessPointMBean#getCompleteMessageTimeout()

      For more information, see:

      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Value-1
      Minimum value-1
      Maximum value480


      The maximum number of seconds that this server waits for a complete HTTP response to be sent.

      A value of 0 disables the complete write timeout. The default value is derived from the CompleteHTTPMessageTimeout. If it is -1, then the CompleteMessageTimeout value is used for the default value.

      Available Since Release
      Privileges Read/Write
      Minimum value0


      The amount of time that this server should wait to establish an outbound socket connection before timing out. A value of 0 disables server connect timeout.

      For more information, see:

      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Value0
      Minimum value0
      Maximum value240


      The source of the identity keystore. For a JKS or PKCS12 keystore, the source is the path and file name. For an Oracle Key Store Service (KSS) keystore, the source is the KSS URI.

      If using a JKS or PKCS12 keystore, the keystore path name must either be absolute or relative to where the server was booted.

      If using a KSS keystore, the keystore URI must be of the form:


      where keystorename is the name of the keystore registered in KSS.


      Privileges Read/Write


      The encrypted custom identity keystore's passphrase. If empty or null, then the keystore will be opened without a passphrase.


      When you get the value of this attribute, WebLogic Server does the following:

      1. Retrieves the value of the CustomIdentityKeyStorePassPhraseEncrypted attribute.

      2. Decrypts the value and returns the unencrypted password as a String.

      When you set the value of this attribute, WebLogic Server does the following:

      1. Encrypts the value.

      2. Sets the value of the CustomIdentityKeyStorePassPhraseEncrypted attribute to the encrypted value.

      Using this attribute (CustomIdentityKeyStorePassPhrase) is a potential security risk because the String object (which contains the unencrypted password) remains in the JVM's memory until garbage collection removes it and the memory is reallocated. Depending on how memory is allocated in the JVM, a significant amount of time could pass before this unencrypted data is removed from memory.

      Instead of using this attribute, use CustomIdentityKeyStorePassPhraseEncrypted.

      For more information, see:

      Privileges Read/Write


      Returns encrypted pass phrase defined when creating the keystore.

      Privileges Read/Write


      The type of the keystore. Generally, this is JKS or PKCS12. If using the Oracle Key Store Service, this is KSS

      If empty or null, then the JDK's default keystore type (specified in is used. The custom identity key store type is only used if KeyStores is CUSTOM_IDENTITY_AND_JAVA_STANDARD_TRUST, CUSTOM_IDENTITY_AND_CUSTOM_TRUST or CUSTOM_IDENTITY_AND_COMMAND_LINE_TRUST.

      Privileges Read/Write


      The source of the custom trust keystore. For a JKS or PKCS12 keystore, the source is the path and file name. For an Oracle Key Store Service (KSS) keystore, the source is the KSS URI.

      If using a JKS or PKCS12 keystore, the keystore path name must either be absolute or relative to where the server was booted.

      If using a KSS keystore, the keystore URI must be of the form:


      where keystorename is the name of the keystore registered in KSS.

      The value in this attribute is only used if KeyStores is CUSTOM_IDENTITY_AND_CUSTOM_TRUST.

      Privileges Read/Write


      The custom trust keystore's passphrase. If empty or null, then the keystore will be opened without a passphrase.

      This attribute is only used if KeyStores is CUSTOM_IDENTITY_AND_CUSTOM_TRUST.

      When you get the value of this attribute, WebLogic Server does the following:

      1. Retrieves the value of the CustomTrustKeyStorePassPhraseEncrypted attribute.

      2. Decrypts the value and returns the unencrypted password as a String.

      When you set the value of this attribute, WebLogic Server does the following:

      1. Encrypts the value.

      2. Sets the value of the CustomTrustKeyStorePassPhraseEncrypted attribute to the encrypted value.

      Using this attribute (CustomTrustKeyStorePassPhrase) is a potential security risk because the String object (which contains the unencrypted password) remains in the JVM's memory until garbage collection removes it and the memory is reallocated. Depending on how memory is allocated in the JVM, a significant amount of time could pass before this unencrypted data is removed from memory.

      Instead of using this attribute, use CustomTrustKeyStorePassPhraseEncrypted.

      For more information, see:

      Privileges Read/Write


      The custom trust keystore's encrypted passphrase. If empty or null, then the keystore will be opened without a passphrase.

      This attribute is only used if KeyStores is CUSTOM_IDENTITY_AND_CUSTOM_TRUST.

      To set this attribute, use to encrypt the value. Then set this attribute to the output of the encrypt() method.

      To compare a password that a user enters with the encrypted value of this attribute, use the same WebLogic Server instance that you used to set and encrypt this attribute and use to encrypt the user-supplied password. Then compare the encrypted values.

      Privileges Read/Write


      The type of the keystore. Generally, this is JKS or PKCS12. If using the Oracle Key Store Service, this is KSS

      If empty or null, then the JDK's default keystore type (specified in is used. This keystore type is only used if KeyStores is CUSTOM_IDENTITY_AND_CUSTOM_TRUST.

      Privileges Read/Write


      The password for the default IIOP user. (Requires you to enable IIOP.)

      As of 8.1 sp4, when you get the value of this attribute, WebLogic Server does the following:

      1. Retrieves the value of the DefaultIIOPPasswordEncrypted attribute.

      2. Decrypts the value and returns the unencrypted password as a String.

      Using this attribute (DefaultIIOPPassword) is a potential security risk because the String object (which contains the unencrypted password) remains in the JVM's memory until garbage collection removes it and the memory is reallocated. Depending on how memory is allocated in the JVM, a significant amount of time could pass before this unencrypted data is removed from memory.

      Instead of using this attribute, use DefaultIIOPPasswordEncrypted.

      For more information, see:

      Privileges Read/Write


      The encrypted password for the default IIOP user.

      To set this attribute, use to encrypt the value. Then set this attribute to the output of the encrypt() method.

      To compare a password that a user enters with the encrypted value of this attribute, go to the same WebLogic Server instance that you used to set and encrypt this attribute and use to encrypt the user-supplied password. Then compare the encrypted values.

      Privileges Read/Write


      The user name of the default IIOP user. (Requires you to enable IIOP.)

      For more information, see:

      Privileges Read/Write


      Specifies whether all default servlets in the servlet engine are disabled.

      This includes: weblogic.servlet.ClasspathServlet weblogic.servlet.utils.iiop.GetIORServlet weblogic.rjvm.http.TunnelSendServlet weblogic.rjvm.http.TunnelRecvServlet weblogic.rjvm.http.TunnelLoginServlet weblogic.rjvm.http.TunnelCloseServlet If set to true, this property overrides the ClasspathServletDisabled property.

      Privileges Read/Write
      Secure valuetrue


      The protocol to use for connections when none is specified.

      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Valuet3
      Legal Values
      • t3
      • t3s
      • http
      • https
      • iiop
      • iiops


      The protocol to use for secure connections when none is specified.

      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Valuet3s
      Legal Values
      • t3s
      • https
      • iiops


      The password for the default user associated with the Tuxedo GIOP (TGIOP) protocol. (Requires you to configure WebLogic Tuxedo Connector (WTC) for this server.)

      As of 8.1 sp4, when you get the value of this attribute, WebLogic Server does the following:

      1. Retrieves the value of the DefaultTGIOPPasswordEncrypted attribute.

      2. Decrypts the value and returns the unencrypted password as a String.

      When you set the value of this attribute, WebLogic Server does the following:

      1. Encrypts the value.

      2. Sets the value of the DefaultTGIOPPasswordEncrypted attribute to the encrypted value.

      Using this attribute (DefaultTGIOPPassword) is a potential security risk in because the String object (which contains the unencrypted password) remains the JVM's memory until garbage collection removes it and the memory is reallocated. Depending on how memory is allocated in the JVM, a significant amount of time could pass before this unencrypted data is removed from memory.

      Instead of using this attribute, use DefaultTGIOPPasswordEncrypted.

      For more information, see:

      Privileges Read/Write


      The encrypted password for the default TGIOP user.

      To set this attribute, use to encrypt the value. Then set this attribute to the output of the encrypt() method.

      To compare a password that a user enters with the encrypted value of this attribute, go to the same WebLogic Server instance that you used to set and encrypt this attribute and use to encrypt the user-supplied password. Then compare the encrypted values.

      Privileges Read/Write


      The default user associated with the Tuxedo GIOP (TGIOP) protocol. (Requires you to configure WebLogic Tuxedo Connector (WTC) for this server.)


      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Valueguest


      The number of idle periods allowed before the object is collected.

      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Value5


      Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

      Privileges Read only
      Redeploy or Restart required Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.


      Specifies whether to clean up all ThreadLocals storage from self-tuning thread pool threads after they have finished processing each work request. By default, the self-tuning thread pool only cleans up ThreadLocal storage in its threads after an application is undeployed to avoid ClassLoader memory leak.

      Available Since Release
      Privileges Read/Write


      The external IP address or DNS name for this server.

      This address will be sent with HTTP session cookies and with dynamic server lists to HTTP proxies. It will also be used by external application clients to enable the propagation of RMI traffic through network address translating (NAT) firewalls.

      You must specify an external DNS name for configurations in which a firewall is performing network address translation, unless clients are accessing WebLogic Server using t3 and the default channel. For example, define the external DNS name for configurations in which a firewall is performing network address translation, and clients are accessing WebLogic Server using HTTP via a proxy plug-in.

      For more information, see:

      Privileges Read/Write


      The options passed to the EJB compiler during server-side generation.

      Each EJB component can override the compiler options that you specify here. The following options are valid:


      Forces generation of wrapper classes. Without this flag the classes may not be regenerated if it is determined to be unnecessary.


      Generate ejb stub and skel as part of ejbc. Avoid HotCodeGen to have better performance.


      Keep the generated .java files.

      -compiler javac

      Java compiler to exec. If not specified, the -compilerclass option will be used.


      Specifies the compiler class to invoke.


      Compile debugging info into class file.


      Passed through to Symantec's sj.

      -classpath path

      Classpath to use.

      -source source

      Source version.


      Flags passed through to java runtime.

      For more information, see:

      Privileges Read/Write


      The options passed to the RMIC compiler during server-side generation.

      Each EJB component can override the compiler options that you specify here.

      For more information, see:

      Privileges Read/Write


      Enables gathered writes over NIO socket channels. Enabling this attribute increases efficiency during I/O in environments with high network throughput and should be used only when configuring a WebLogic domain for Oracle Exalogic.

      Privileges Read/Write


      Number of seconds a graceful shutdown operation waits before forcing a shut down. A graceful shutdown gives WebLogic Server subsystems time to complete certain application processing currently in progress. If subsystems are unable to complete processing within the number of seconds that you specify here, then the server will force shutdown automatically.

      A value of 0 means that the server will wait indefinitely for graceful shutdown to complete.

      The graceful shutdown timeout applies only to graceful shutdown operations.

      For more information, see:

      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Value0
      Minimum value0


      The number of seconds that defines the frequency of this server's self-health monitoring. The server monitors the health of it's subsystems every HealthCheckIntervalSeconds and changes the Server's overall state if required.

      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Value180
      Minimum value1
      Maximum value2147483647


      The number of seconds the Node Manager should wait before starting to monitor the server.

      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Value120
      Minimum value0
      Maximum value2147483647


      The number of seconds the Node Manager should wait before timing out its health query to this server.

      If the timeout is reached, Node Managed assumes the Managed Server has failed.

      Deprecated. Replaced by Server self-health monitoring that takes action without NodeManager intervention. NodeManager identifies if a running server was shutdown due to a restartable failure and restarts the server.

      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Value60
      Minimum value1
      Maximum value2147483647


      Gets the hostsMigratableServices attribute of the ServerMBean object

      Privileges Read only
      Default Valuetrue
      Redeploy or Restart required Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.


      Whether or not HTTP support is enabled on the regular port or SSL port.

      For more information, see:

      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Valuetrue


      Returns the HttpTraceSupportEnabled value

      For more information, see:

      Privileges Read/Write


      Return the unique id of this MBean instance

      Privileges Read only
      Redeploy or Restart required Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.


      The maximum number of seconds that a connection is allowed to be idle before it is closed by the server. The T3 and T3S protocols ignore this attribute. If you configure network channels for this server, each channel can override this idle connection message timeout.

      This timeout helps guard against server deadlock through too many open connections.

      For more information, see:

      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Value65
      Minimum value0
      Secure value65


      The maximum number of seconds an IIOP connection is allowed to be idle before it is closed by the server. This timeout helps guard against server deadlock through too many open connections.

      Deprecated. use NetworkAccessPointMBean#getIdleConnectionTimeout()

      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Value-1
      Minimum value-1


      The number of idle periods until peer is considered unreachable.

      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Value4
      Minimum value4
      Maximum value65534


      Indicates whether a graceful shutdown operation drops all HTTP sessions immediately.

      If this is set to false, a graceful shutdown operation waits for HTTP sessions to complete or timeout.

      Privileges Read/Write


      Specifies whether this server has IIOP support enabled for both the regular (non-SSL) and SSL ports.

      For more information, see:

      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Valuetrue


      Configures IIOP propagate transactions using either WebLogic-specific JTA or the OMG-specified OTS.

      It is not possible to use both because it affects the way transactions are negotiated.

      Deprecated. use IIOPMBean#getTxMechanism()

      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Valueots
      Legal Values
      • ots
      • jta


      Specifies whether the server returns stack traces for RMI calls that generate exceptions.

      With RMI stack tracking enabled, if a client issues an RMI call to a server subsystem or to a module running within the server, and if the subsystem or module generates an exception that includes a stack trace, the server will return the exception as well as the stack trace. With it disabled, the server will return the exception without the stack trace details.

      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Valuetrue


      The IP address of the NIC that this server should use for multicast traffic.

      For more information, see:

      Privileges Read/Write


      Specified whether the server needs to ensure that threadlocals storage from self-tuning thread pool threads must be cleaned up before the threads are used for processing work requests from a different partition. This helps ensure that no threadlocals from a different partition can be retrieved from work requests while being processed by a self-tuning thread pool thread. The different between this attribute and the eagerThreadLocalCleanup attribute is that threadlocals storage will not be cleared if the previous work request processed by the self-tuning thread pool thread was for the same partition, whereas with eagerThreadLocalCleanup set, the threadlocals storage will also be cleared in this case.

      Available Since Release
      Privileges Read/Write


      The Java compiler to use for all applications hosted on this server that need to compile Java code.

      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Valuejavac
      Secure valuejavac


      The options to append to the Java compiler classpath when compiling Java code.

      Privileges Read/Write


      The options to prepend to the Java compiler classpath when compiling Java code.

      Privileges Read/Write


      The password for the Java Standard Trust keystore. This password is defined when the keystore is created.

      If empty or null, then the keystore will be opened without a passphrase.

      This attribute is only used if KeyStores is CUSTOM_IDENTITY_AND_JAVA_STANDARD_TRUST or DEMO_IDENTITY_AND_DEMO_TRUST.

      When you get the value of this attribute, WebLogic Server does the following:

      1. Retrieves the value of the JavaStandardTrustKeyStorePassPhraseEncrypted attribute.

      2. Decrypts the value and returns the unencrypted password as a String.

      When you set the value of this attribute, WebLogic Server does the following:

      1. Encrypts the value.

      2. Sets the value of the JavaStandardTrustKeyStorePassPhraseEncrypted attribute to the encrypted value.

      Using this attribute (JavaStandardTrustKeyStorePassPhrase) is a potential security risk because the String object (which contains the unencrypted password) remains in the JVM's memory until garbage collection removes it and the memory is reallocated. Depending on how memory is allocated in the JVM, a significant amount of time could pass before this unencrypted data is removed from memory.

      Instead of using this attribute, use JavaStandardTrustKeyStorePassPhraseEncrypted.

      For more information, see:

      Privileges Read/Write


      The encrypted password for the Java Standard Trust keystore. This password is defined when the keystore is created.

      To set this attribute, use to encrypt the value. Then set this attribute to the output of the encrypt() method.

      To compare a password that a user enters with the encrypted value of this attribute, go to the same WebLogic Server instance that you used to set and encrypt this attribute and use to encrypt the user-supplied password. Then compare the encrypted values.

      Privileges Read/Write


      The table name for this server's Logging Last Resource (LLR) database table(s). WebLogic Server creates the table(s) and then uses them during transaction processing for the LLR transaction optimization. This setting must be unique for each server. The default table name is WL_LLR_SERVERNAME.

      This setting only applies if this server hosts one or more LLR-enabled JDBC data sources.

      The format for the tables that WebLogic Server creates is [[[catalog.]schema.]name.] Each "." in the table name is significant, and schema generally corresponds to username in many databases.

      IMPORTANT: If this value is changed but the LLR table already exists in the database, you must preserve the existing table's data. Consequently, when changing the table name, the existing database table must be renamed by a database administrator to match the new configured table name. Otherwise, transaction records may be lost, resulting in heuristic failures that aren't logged.

      IMPORTANT: Each server's table name must be unique. Multiple LLR-enabled data sources within the same server may share the same table, but multiple servers must not share the same table. If multiple same-named servers share a table, the behavior is undefined and it is likely that transactions will not recover properly after a crash, creating heuristic hazards.

      Privileges Read/Write


      The name of the JDBC log file. If the pathname is not absolute, it is assumed to be relative to the root directory of the machine on which this server is running. (Requires you to enable JDBC logging.)

      If the log has no path element and is atomic (for example, jdbc.log), the file will be placed relative to the root directory in ./SERVER_NAME/ to avoid name space conflicts. This attribute is deprecated because the JDBC output now goes in the server log.

      Deprecated. Driver level debugging is not supported

      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Valuejdbc.log


      Specifies whether this server maintains a JDBC log file.

      Deprecated. Driver level debugging is not supported

      Privileges Read/Write


      The JDBC Login Timeout value. Specified value is passed into java.sql.DriverManager.setLoginTimeout(). Note that this DriverManager setting will impact *all* JDBC drivers loaded into this JVM. Feature is disabled by default.

      Available Since Release
      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Value0
      Minimum value0
      Maximum value300


      Use this unmapped resource reference mode to specify the behavior of any resource reference to a Connection Factory when the resource reference does not directly specify a JNDI name by a lookup attribute, or by a mappedName attribute, or by a jndi-name in a descriptor file. If a JNDI name is specified, the resource reference either resolves to the specified object in the JNDI tree or generates a javax.naming.NameNotFoundException.

      Following are the available unmapped resource reference modes:

      Available Since Release
      Privileges Read/Write
      Default ValueReturnDefault
      Legal Values
      • ReturnDefault
      • FailSafe


      Specifies whether this server uses JMS default connection factories.

      WebLogic Server provides the following JMS default connection factories:

      Note: When using the default connection factories, you have no control over targeting the WebLogic Server instances where the connection factory may be deployed. However, you can disable the default connection factories on a per-server basis. To deploy a connection factory on independent servers, on specific servers within a cluster, or on an entire cluster, you need to configure a connection factory and specify the appropriate server targets. The default Java EE 7 JMS Connection Factory, java:comp/DefaultJMSConnectionFactory, will be available even when the WebLogic JMS default connection factories are disabled.

      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Valuetrue


      List of factories that create transportable objects.

      Privileges Read/Write
      Typeclass java.lang.String[]


      Which configuration rules should be used for finding the server's identity and trust keystores?

      Privileges Read/Write
      Default ValueDemoIdentityAndDemoTrust
      Legal Values
      • DemoIdentityAndDemoTrust
      • CustomIdentityAndJavaStandardTrust
      • CustomIdentityAndCustomTrust
      • CustomIdentityAndCommandLineTrust


      The IP address or DNS name this server uses to listen for incoming connections. For example, enter or mymachine, respectively.

      Note that the value you specify for the listen address is not the URL to the host machine and it does not include the communication protocol, listen port, or channel.

      Servers can be reached through the following URL:


      Any network channel that you configure for this server can override this listen address.

      If a server's listen address is undefined, clients can reach the server through an IP address of the computer that hosts the server, a DNS name that resolves to the host, or the localhost string. The localhost string can be used only for requests from clients that are running on the same computer as the server.

      If you want to limit the valid addresses for a server instance, specify one of the following:

      Do not leave the listen address undefined on a computer that uses multiple IP address (a multihomed computer). On such a computer, the server will bind to all available IP addresses.

      Note also that if you are using the demo certificates in a multi-server domain, Managed Server instances will fail to boot if you specify the fully-qualified DNS name. For information about this limitation and suggested workarounds, see "Limitation on CertGen Usage" in Administering Security for Oracle WebLogic Server.

      For more information, see:

      Privileges Read/Write


      Perpetuated for compatibility with 6.1 only.


      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Value0


      Determines whether the server should bind server sockets early.

      Early binding detects port conflicts quickly and also gives user feedback on the default listen port as to the server state.

      Privileges Read/Write


      The default TCP port that this server uses to listen for regular (non-SSL) incoming connections.

      Administrators must have the right privileges before binding to a port or else this operation will not be successful and it will render the console un-reachable.

      If this port is disabled, the SSL port must be enabled. Additional ports can be configured using network channels. The cluster (multicast) port is configured separately.

      For more information, see:

      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Value7001
      Minimum value1
      Maximum value65535


      Specifies whether this server can be reached through the default plain-text (non-SSL) listen port.

      If you disable this listen port, you must enable the default SSL listen port.

      You can define additional listen ports for this server by configuring network channels.

      For more information, see:

      Available Since Release
      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Valuetrue


      Returns the maximum time that the server will wait for server sockets to bind before starting a listen thread.

      Properties to consider for removal

      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Value60


      The login timeout for this server's default regular (non-SSL) listen port. This is the maximum amount of time allowed for a new connection to establish.

      A value of 0 indicates there is no maximum.

      For more information, see:

      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Value5000
      Minimum value0
      Maximum value100000
      Secure value5000


      Specifies whether the server message log includes exceptions that are raised in remote systems.

      Privileges Read/Write
      Secure valuetrue


      The threshold level (in percent) that this server uses for logging low memory conditions and changing the server health state to Warning.

      For example, if you specify 5, the server logs a low memory warning in the log file and changes the server health state to Warning after the average free memory reaches 5% of the initial free memory measured at the server's boot time.

      Deprecated. not used anywhere in runtime (core) code

      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Value5
      Minimum value0
      Maximum value99
      Secure value5


      The granularity level (in percent) that this server uses for logging low memory conditions and changing the server health state to Warning.

      For example, if you specify 5 and the average free memory drops by 5% or more over two measured intervals, the server logs a low memory warning in the log file and changes the server health state to Warning.

      Deprecated. not used anywhere in runtime (core) code

      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Value5
      Minimum value1
      Maximum value100
      Secure value5


      The number of times this server samples free memory during the time period specified by LowMemoryTimeInterval.

      Increasing the sample size can improve the accuracy of the reading.

      Deprecated. not used anywhere in runtime (core) code

      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Value10
      Minimum value1
      Maximum value2147483647


      The amount of time (in seconds) that defines the interval over which this server determines average free memory values.

      By default, the server obtains an average free memory value every 3600 seconds.

      Deprecated. not used anywhere in runtime (core) code

      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Value3600
      Minimum value300
      Maximum value2147483647


      Specifies whether this Managed Server can be started when the Administration Server is unavailable.

      In such a case, the Managed Server retrieves its configuration by reading a configuration file and other files directly.

      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Valuetrue
      Secure valuetrue


      The maximum number of bytes allowed in messages that are received over the COM protocol. If you configure custom network channels for this server, each channel can override this maximum message size.

      This maximum message size helps guard against a denial of service attack in which a caller attempts to force the server to allocate more memory than is available thereby keeping the server from responding quickly to other requests.

      A value of -1 causes the COM protocol to use the maximums that are specified elsewhere along the order of precedence.

      Deprecated. use NetworkAccessPointMBean#getMaxMessageSize()

      For more information, see:

      Available Since Release
      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Value-1


      The maximum number of running long-running requests that can be submitted to all the Managed Executor Services or Managed Scheduled Executor Services in the server.

      Available Since Release
      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Value100
      Minimum value0
      Maximum value65534


      The maximum number of running threads that can be created by all the Managed Thread Factories in the server.

      Available Since Release
      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Value100
      Minimum value0
      Maximum value65534


      The maximum number of bytes allowed in messages that are received over the HTTP protocol. If you configure custom network channels for this server, each channel can override this maximum message size.

      This maximum message size helps guard against a denial of service attack in which a caller attempts to force the server to allocate more memory than is available thereby keeping the server from responding quickly to other requests.

      A value of -1 causes the HTTP protocol to use the maximums that are specified elsewhere along the order of precedence.

      Deprecated. use NetworkAccessPointMBean#getMaxMessageSize()

      For more information, see:

      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Value-1


      The maximum number of bytes allowed in messages that are received over the IIOP protocol. If you configure custom network channels for this server, each channel can override this maximum message size.

      This maximum message size helps guard against a denial of service attack in which a caller attempts to force the server to allocate more memory than is available thereby keeping the server from responding quickly to other requests.

      A value of -1 causes the IIOP protocol to use the maximums that are specified elsewhere along the order of precedence.

      Deprecated. use NetworkAccessPointMBean#getMaxMessageSize()

      For more information, see:

      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Value-1


      The maximum number of bytes allowed in messages that are received over all supported protocols, unless overridden by a protocol-specific setting or a custom channel setting.

      The order of precedence for setting message size maximums is as follows:

      1. A channel-wide maximum in a custom network channel.

      2. A protocol-specific setting in the default network channel.


      3. The message maximum in this attribute.

      This maximum message size helps guard against a denial of service attack in which a caller attempts to force the server to allocate more memory than is available thereby keeping the server from responding quickly to other requests.

      A client can set this value using the -Dweblogic.MaxMessageSize property.

      For more information, see:

      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Value10000000
      Minimum value4096
      Maximum value2000000000
      Secure value10000000


      The maximum number of open sockets allowed in server at a given point of time.

      When the maximum threshold is reached, the server stops accepting new requests until the number of sockets drops below the threshold.

      A value less than 0 indicates an unlimited size.

      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Value-1
      Minimum value-1
      Maximum value2147483647


      The maximum number of bytes allowed in messages that are received over the T3 protocol. If you configure custom network channels for this server, each channel can override this maximum message size.

      This maximum message size helps guard against a denial of service attack in which a caller attempts to force the server to allocate more memory than is available thereby keeping the server from responding quickly to other requests.

      A value of -1 causes the T3 protocol to use the maximums that are specified elsewhere along the order of precedence.

      Deprecated. use NetworkAccessPointMBean#getMaxMessageSize()

      For more information, see:

      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Value-1


      Returns the MBean info for this MBean.


      Privileges Read only
      Redeploy or Restart required Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.


      Indicates whether message IDs in logged messages will include a prefix. Message ids are 6 digit numeric strings that can be optionally presented in a log entry with a prefix. The prefix used by server messages is "BEA-".

      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Valuetrue


      Returns the size of the messaging bridge execute thread pool.

      Deprecated. replaced by a Work Manager named weblogic.jms.MessagingBridge

      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Value5
      Minimum value-1
      Maximum value65534


      Specifies whether the Administration Server replicates its configuration files to this Managed Server.

      With file replication enabled, the Administration Server copies its configuration file and SerializedSystemIni.dat into the Managed Server's root directory every 5 minutes. This option does not replicate a boot identity file.

      Regardless of the name of the configuration file that you used to start the Administration Server, the replicated file is always named msi-config.xml. For example, if you specified -Dweblogic.ConfigFile=MyConfig.xml when you started the Administration Server, if you have enabled file replication, the Administration Server copies MyConfig.xml and names the copy msi-config.xml.

      Depending on your backup schemes and the frequency with which you update your domain's configuration, this option might not be worth the performance cost of copying potentially large files across a network.


      Privileges Read/Write


      Non-blocking IO is enabled by default on the server side.

      The default value is weblogic.socket.NIOSocketMuxer.

      The Certicom SSL implementation is not supported with NIOSocketMuxer. If you need to secure internet communication, Oracle recommends enabling JSSE (Java Secure Socket Extension).

      Privileges Read/Write


      An alphanumeric name for this server instance. (Spaces are not valid.)

      The name must be unique for all configuration objects in the domain. Within a domain, each server, machine, cluster, JDBC connection pool, virtual host, and any other resource type must be named uniquely and must not use the same name as the domain.

      For more information on server naming conventions, see Domain and Server Name Restrictions in Understanding Domain Configuration for Oracle WebLogic Server.

      The server name is not used as part of the URL for applications that are deployed on the server. It is for your identification purposes only. The server name displays in the Administration Console, and if you use WebLogic Server command-line utilities or APIs, you use this name to identify the server.

      After you have created a server, you cannot change its name. Instead, clone the server and provide a new name for the clone.

      Privileges Read/Write


      Specifies whether native I/O is enabled for the server.

      For more information, see:

      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Valuetrue


      Returns the timeout value to be used by NodeManagerRuntime when creating a a socket connection to the agent. Default set high as SSH agent may require a high connection establishment time.


      Available Since Release
      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Value180000
      Minimum value0


      Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

      WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

      Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

      Privileges Read/Write
      Security rolesWrite access is granted only to the following roles:
      • Deployer
      • Operator


      Get the number of retries to contact admin server, before starting in Managed Server Independence Mode

      Available Since Release
      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Value3
      Minimum value0
      Maximum value65534


      Returns the ObjectName under which this MBean is registered in the MBean server.


      Privileges Read only
      Redeploy or Restart required Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.


      Specifies whether new server-to-server connections may consider the default server channel when initiating a connection. This is only relevant if the connection needs to be bound to the default listen address. This will only work for binary protocols that support both outbound and inbound traffic.

      When this feature is not enabled, connections are initiated using a local address selected by the underlying hardware. For the default channel this is usually what is wanted for IP-routing to be effective. Note that since the default is false, other outbound channels will be considered in preference to the default channel.

      Default administration channels, created when the domain-wide administration port is turned on, are always considered and bound when initiating an administrative connection. To allow IP-routing for administration traffic create custom admin with isOutboundEnabled set to false instead of enabling the domain-wide ADMIN port.

      For more information, see:

      Privileges Read/Write


      Specifies whether the SSL identity specified by getSSLMBean#ServerPrivateKeyAlias for this server should be used for outbound SSL connections on the default server channel. In normal circumstances the outbound identity is determined by the caller's environment.

      For more information, see:

      Privileges Read/Write


      Return the immediate parent for this MBean

      Privileges Read/Write


      The time interval in milliseconds of the heartbeat period. A value of 0 indicates that heartbeats are turned off.

      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Value60000
      Minimum value0


      Defines secondary clustered instances considered for hosting replicas of the primary HTTP session states created on the server.

      Privileges Read/Write


      Specifies whether the server message log includes exception stack trace that are raised in remote systems.

      Privileges Read/Write


      Returns false if the MBean represented by this object has been unregistered.


      Privileges Read only
      Redeploy or Restart required Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.


      Defines preferred clustered instances considered for hosting replicas of the primary HTTP session states created on the server.

      Privileges Read/Write


      When WLS is running on Exalogic machines, cluster replication traffic could go over multiple replication channels. However multiple replication channels need not be configured on each clustered server instance. Only one replication channel with explicit IP-Address needs to be configured for each server and replicationPorts range can be specified for each server. For eg. range 7001-7010 will create 10 replication channels with ports 7001 to 7010 for the given server. These channels inherits all the properties of the configured replication channel except the listen port.Names of these channels will be derived from the configured replication channel with suffic {x} added where x could be 1,2.. as per the number of ports specified. Public ports are same as the listen port for these additional channels.

      Available Since Release
      Privileges Read/Write


      Resolve the listen address to use for all T3 communication

      For more information, see:

      Privileges Read/Write


      The number of seconds the Node Manager should wait before restarting this server.

      After killing a server process, the system might need several seconds to release the TCP port(s) the server was using. If Node Manager attempts to restart the Managed Server while its ports are still active, the startup attempt fails.

      If AutoMigration is enabled and RestartDelaySeconds is 0, the RestartDelaySeconds is automatically set to the lease time. This prevents the server from failing to restart after migration when the previous lease is still valid.

      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Value0
      Minimum value0
      Maximum value2147483647


      The number of seconds during which this server can be restarted, up to the number of times specified in RestartMax.

      For more information, see:

      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Value3600
      Minimum value300
      Maximum value2147483647


      The number of times that the Node Manager can restart this server within the interval specified in RestartIntervalSeconds.

      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Value2
      Minimum value0
      Maximum value2147483647


      Get the number of seconds between the retries to contact admin server, before starting in Managed Server Independence Mode

      Available Since Release
      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Value5
      Minimum value1
      Maximum value65534


      Specifies whether the kernel is allowed to perform reverse DNS lookups.

      Privileges Read/Write


      Enables scattered reads over NIO socket channels. Enabling this attribute increases efficiency during I/O in environments with high network throughput and should be used only when configuring a WebLogic domain for Oracle Exalogic.

      Privileges Read/Write


      Number of seconds a force shutdown operation waits before timing out and killing itself. If the operation does not complete within the configured timeout seconds, the server will shutdown automatically if the state of the server at that time was SHUTTING_DOWN.

      A value of 0 means that the server will wait indefinitely for life cycle operation to complete.

      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Value30
      Minimum value0
      Secure value120


      The release identifier for the server. Since this is a configured attribute it is only as accurate as the configuration. The form of the version is major.minor.servicepack.rollingpatch. Not all parts of the version are required. i.e. "7" is acceptable.


      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Valueunknown


      Indicates if session replication on server shutdown is enabled. During server shutdown, any active http and ejb stateful session states will be replicated to a secondary server (if available) in the cluster.

      Available Since Release
      Privileges Read/Write


      Returns the current polling interval for finding the situational config file in the filesystem

      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Value5
      Minimum value1
      Maximum value65534


      Returns whether situational config files are required and WebLogic Server should fail to boot if situational config files are not present.

      Available Since Release
      Privileges Read/Write


      Specifies whether the server's buffer size for sending or receiving data through a raw socket should be set to 4KB.

      Otherwise, the server does not impose a limit to the buffer size and defers to the operating system. This option is useful only on some operating systems for improving performance. It should be disabled in most environments.

      Privileges Read/Write


      The number of socket reader threads.

      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Value-1
      Minimum value-1
      Maximum value65534


      The directory path on the Managed Server where all staged (prepared) applications are placed.

      If an absolute directory name is not specified, the path is relative to the root directory "/". Once configured, you cannot change the staging directory name. Remove all applications from the server prior to changing this attribute. The default staging directory is "stage", relative to the server root.

      Privileges Read/Write


      The mode that specifies whether an application's files are copied from a source on the Administration Server to the Managed Server's staging area during application preparation.

      During application preparation, the application's files are copied from the source on the Administration Server to the Managed Server's staging area. If you specify nostage or external_stage, the copy will not occur. This is useful when the staging area is a shared directory, already containing the application files, or if this is a single server domain. The administrator must ensure that the Managed Server's staging directory is set appropriately. Deployment errors will result if the application is not available during the preparation or activation of the application. Each application can override the staging mode specified here.

      For more information, see:

      Available Since Release
      Privileges Read/Write
      Legal Values
      • UnsupportedOperationException if called on a runtime implementation.
      • stage
      • nostage
      • external_stage


      The state in which this server should be started. If you specify STANDBY, you must also enable the domain-wide administration port.

      In the RUNNING state, a server offers its services to clients and can operate as a full member of a cluster. In the ADMIN state, the server is up and running, but available only for administration operations, allowing you to perform server and application-level administration tasks without risk to running applications. In the STANDBY state, a server instance does not process any request; its regular Listen Port is closed. The Administration Port is open. It only accepts life cycle commands that transition the server instance to either the RUNNING or the SHUTDOWN state. Other Administration requests are not accepted. A STANDBY server's only purpose is to resume into the RUNNING state quickly; it saves server startup time.

      Privileges Read/Write
      Default ValueRUNNING


      Timeout value for server start and resume operations. If the server fails to start in the timeout period, it will force shutdown.

      A value of 0 means that the server will wait indefinitely for the operation to complete.

      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Value0
      Minimum value0


      Specifies whether the server sends messages of the DEBUG severity to standard out in addition to the log file. (Requires you to enable sending messages to standard out.)

      Deprecated. replaced by LogMBean.StdoutSeverity For backward compatibility the changes to this attribute will be propagated to the LogMBean.

      Privileges Read/Write


      Specifies whether the server sends messages to standard out in addition to the log file.

      Other settings configure the minimum severity of a message that the server sends to standard out.

      Deprecated. replaced by LogMBean.StdoutSeverity, for backward compatibility the changes to this attribute will be propagated to the LogMBean.

      For more information, see:

      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Valuetrue


      The output format to use when logging to the console.


      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Valuestandard
      Legal Values
      • standard
      • noid


      Specifies whether to dump stack traces to the console when included in logged message.


      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Valuetrue


      The minimum severity of a message that the server sends to standard out. (Requires you to enable sending messages to standard out.)

      Deprecated. Replaced by LogMBean.StdoutSeverity. For backward compatibility the changes to this attribute will be propagated to the LogMBean.

      For more information, see:

      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Value32
      Legal Values
      • 256
      • 128
      • 64
      • 16
      • 8
      • 32
      • 4
      • 2
      • 1
      • 0
      Secure value32


      The number of seconds that a thread must be continually working before this server considers the thread stuck.

      For example, if you set this to 600 seconds, WebLogic Server considers a thread to be "stuck" after 600 seconds of continuous use.

      In WebLogic Server 9.x and later, it is recommended that you use the ServerFailureTriggerMBean in the OverloadProtectionMBean. The ServerFailureTriggerMBean transitions the server to a FAILED state after the specified number of stuck threads are detected. The OverloadProtectionMBean has options to suspend or shutdown a failed server.

      Deprecated. replaced by ServerFailureTriggerMBean.getMaxStuckThreadTime()

      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Value600
      Minimum value0
      Maximum value2147483647


      The number of seconds after which WebLogic Server periodically scans threads to see if they have been continually working for the configured maximum length of time.

      For more information, see:

      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Value60
      Minimum value0
      Maximum value2147483647


      The password required to access administrative functions on this server.

      To set this attribute, use to encrypt the value. Then set this attribute to the output of the encrypt() method.

      To compare a password that a user enters with the encrypted value of this attribute, go to the same WebLogic Server instance that you used to set and encrypt this attribute and use to encrypt the user-supplied password. Then compare the encrypted values.

      Privileges Read/Write


      Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

      Available Since Release
      Privileges Read/Write
      Typeclass java.lang.String[]


      Specifies whether this server supports Tuxedo GIOP (TGIOP) requests. (Requires you to configure WebLogic Tuxedo Connector (WTC) for this server.)

      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Valuetrue
      Secure valuetrue


      The percentage of execute threads from the default queue that can be used as socket readers.

      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Value33
      Minimum value1
      Maximum value99


      The path prefix for the server's JTA transaction log files. If the pathname is not absolute, the path is assumed to be relative to the server's root directory.

      For a clustered server, if you plan to be able to migrate the Transaction Recovery Service from this server if it fails to another server (backup server) in the same cluster, you must store transaction log files on persistent storage, such as a Storage Area Network (SAN) device or a dual-ported disk, available to both servers.

      Do not use an NFS file system to store transaction log files. Because of the caching scheme in NFS, transaction log files on disk may not always be current. Using transaction log files stored on an NFS device for recovery may cause data corruption.

      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Value./


      The policy that determines how transaction log file entries are written to disk. This policy can affect transaction performance. (Note: To be transactionally safe, the Direct-Write policy may require additional OS or environment changes on some Windows systems.)

      WebLogic Server supports the following policies:

      If Direct-Write is not supported on the host platform, the policy becomes Cache-Flush and a log message is printed.

      Note: On Windows, the "Direct-Write" policy may leave transaction data in the on-disk cache without writing it to disk immediately. This is not transactionally safe because a power failure can cause loss of on-disk cache data. For transactionally safe writes using "Direct-Write" on Windows, either disable all write caching for the disk (enabled by default), or use a disk with a battery-backed cache.

      The on-disk cache for a hard-drive on Windows can be disabled through system administration: Control-Panel -> System -> Hardware-tab -> Device-Manager-button -> Disk-Drives -> name-of-drive -> Policies-tab -> "Enable write caching on the disk" check-box. Some file systems do not allow this value to be changed. For example, a RAID system that has a reliable cache.

      Privileges Read/Write
      Default ValueDirect-Write
      Legal Values
      • Cache-Flush
      • Direct-Write


      Returns the name of the server network channel to derive the default URL used for internal JTA communication with this server.

      Available Since Release
      Privileges Read/Write


      Returns the name of the server network channel to derive the public URL used for internal JTA communication with this server.

      Available Since Release
      Privileges Read/Write


      Returns the name of the server network channel to derive the public secure URL used for internal JTA communication with this server.

      Available Since Release
      Privileges Read/Write


      Returns the name of the server network channel to derive the secure URL used for internal JTA communication with this server.

      Available Since Release
      Privileges Read/Write


      The interval (in seconds) at which to ping a tunneled client to see if it is still alive.

      If you create network channels for this server, each channel can override this setting.

      For more information, see:

      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Value45
      Minimum value1


      The amount of time (in seconds) after which a missing tunneled client is considered dead.

      If you create network channels for this server, each channel can override this setting.

      For more information, see:

      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Value40
      Minimum value1


      Specifies whether tunneling for the T3, T3S, HTTP, HTTPS, IIOP, and IIOPS protocols should be enabled for this server.

      If you create network channels for this server, each channel can override this setting.

      For more information, see:

      Privileges Read/Write


      Returns the type of the MBean.

      Privileges Read only
      Redeploy or Restart required Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.


      The directory path on the Administration Server where all uploaded applications are placed.

      If an absolute directory name is not specified, the path is relative to the root directory "/". The default staging directory is "stage", relative to the server root. On the Managed Server this returns null, and is not configurable.

      Privileges Read/Write
      Secure valueAn absolute directory that is outside the root directory of any WebLogic Server instance or application, and that resides on a physical disk that is separate from the WebLogic Server host's system disk.


      Backward compatibility mode to switch to 8.1 execute queues instead of WorkManagers. Each of the WorkManagers is converted to an individual execute queue. Setting this attribute requires a server restart.

      For more information, see:

      Privileges Read/Write


      Reduces lock contention by using concurrent buffer queue to park incoming requests. Enabling this attribute increases throughput as requests are scheduled without acquiring any locks.

      Available Since Release
      Privileges Read/Write


      Specifies whether to includes detailed information in self-tuning thread pool thread names. Setting this flag as true would include additional information, such as the name of the Work Manager for which the execute thread is executing the task, but at the expense of overhead in keeping the thread name updated with such information.

      Available Since Release
      Privileges Read/Write


      Specifies whether self-tuning should use the enhanced IncrementAdvisor implementation that uses a different algorithm to adjust the size of the self-tuning thread pool.

      Available Since Release
      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Valuetrue


      Reduces lock contention by using the enhanced ConcurrentCalendarQueue as the priority based queue for pending requests that are waiting for a thread.

      This attribute should be enabled only in an Oracle Exalogic environment.

      Available Since Release
      Privileges Read/Write


      Enables the use of the ADM_DDL store procedure for LLR. The default value is false (not enabled).

      When enabled, a WLS_ prefix and _DYD suffix is is automatically added to the LLR table name at runtime so the LLR table name in server configuration is not consistent with the actual table name in database.

      Privileges Read/Write


      Whether or not verbose deployment of EJBs is enabled.

      Deprecated. Deprecated as of in favor of ServerDebugMBean#getDebugEjbDeployment()

      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Valuefalse


      When WLS is running on JRVE, this specifies the name of the virtual machine running this server


      Available Since Release
      Privileges Read/Write


      Specifies whether this server uses the proprietary WL-Proxy-Client-IP header.

      Set this attribute to true to specify that this server instance uses the proprietary WL-Proxy-Client-IP header, which is recommended if the server instance will receive requests from a proxy plug-in. If the server instance is a member of a cluster that will receive proxied requests, enable the WebLogic plug-in at the cluster level. For servers that are members of a cluster, the setting at the cluster level overrides the server's setting. When the WebLogic plug-in is enabled at the cluster level, a call to getRemoteAddr will return the address of the browser client from the proprietary WL-Proxy-Client-IP header instead of the Web server.

      Set this attrbute to false to disable the weblogic-plugin-enabled parameter, weblogic-plugin-enabled=false, in the config.xml file.

      Note: If you are using Oracle HTTP Server, the WebLogic Proxy Plug-In, or Oracle Traffic Director to distribute client requests to a Managed Server or a cluster, Oracle recommends setting this attribute to true.

      For more information, see:

      Privileges Read/Write


      This section describes the following operations:



      For more information, see:

      Operation Name"addNetworkAccessPoint"
      ParametersObject [] {  networkAccessPoint }


      • networkAccessPoint is an object of type that specifies:

        The feature to be added to the NetworkAccessPoint attribute

      SignatureString [] { "" }
      Returns boolean


      Add a tag to this Configuration MBean. Adds a tag to the current set of tags on the Configuration MBean. Tags may contain white spaces.

      Operation Name"addTag"
      ParametersObject [] {  tag }


      • tag is an object of type java.lang.String that specifies:

        tag to be added to the MBean

      SignatureString [] { "java.lang.String" }
      Returns boolean
      • java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
        IllegalArgumentException if the tag contains illegal punctuation


      If the specified attribute has not been set explicitly, and if the attribute has a default value, this operation forces the MBean to persist the default value.

      Unless you use this operation, the default value is not saved and is subject to change if you update to a newer release of WebLogic Server. Invoking this operation isolates this MBean from the effects of such changes.

      Note: To insure that you are freezing the default value, invoke the restoreDefaultValue operation before you invoke this.

      This operation has no effect if you invoke it on an attribute that does not provide a default value or on an attribute for which some other value has been set.


      Operation Name"freezeCurrentValue"
      ParametersObject [] {  attributeName }


      • attributeName is an object of type java.lang.String that specifies:


      SignatureString [] { "java.lang.String" }
      Returns void


      Return all properties' names whose value is inherited from template mbean. this is a convenient method to get inheritance info on multiple properties in one jmx call.

      Operation Name"getInheritedProperties"
      ParametersObject [] {  propertyNames }


      • propertyNames is an object of type [Ljava.lang.String; that specifies:

        properties to check

      SignatureString [] { "[Ljava.lang.String;" }
      Returns class


      Check if the value of a property is inherited from template mbean or not.

      Operation Name"isInherited"
      ParametersObject [] {  propertyName }


      • propertyName is an object of type java.lang.String that specifies:

        the name of the property

      SignatureString [] { "java.lang.String" }
      Returns boolean


      Returns true if the specified attribute has been set explicitly in this MBean instance.

      Operation Name"isSet"
      ParametersObject [] {  propertyName }


      • propertyName is an object of type java.lang.String that specifies:

        property to check

      SignatureString [] { "java.lang.String" }
      Returns boolean



      For more information, see:

      Operation Name"removeNetworkAccessPoint"
      ParametersObject [] {  networkAccessPoint }


      • networkAccessPoint is an object of type that specifies:


      SignatureString [] { "" }
      Returns boolean


      Remove a tag from this Configuration MBean

      Operation Name"removeTag"
      ParametersObject [] {  tag }


      • tag is an object of type java.lang.String that specifies:

        tag to be removed from the MBean

      SignatureString [] { "java.lang.String" }
      Returns boolean
      • java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
        IllegalArgumentException if the tag contains illegal punctuation


      If the specified attribute has a default value, this operation removes any value that has been set explicitly and causes the attribute to use the default value.

      Default values are subject to change if you update to a newer release of WebLogic Server. To prevent the value from changing if you update to a newer release, invoke the freezeCurrentValue operation.

      This operation has no effect if you invoke it on an attribute that does not provide a default value or on an attribute that is already using the default.


      Operation Name"restoreDefaultValue"
      ParametersObject [] {  attributeName }


      • attributeName is an object of type java.lang.String that specifies:


      SignatureString [] { "java.lang.String" }
      Returns void


      Kill this server. This is a blocking call. Returns String containing NodeManger log for killing the server.

      Deprecated. Use ServerRuntimeMBean#forceShutdown() instead

      Operation Name"synchronousKill"


      Start this server. This is a blocking call. Returns String containing NodeManger log for starting the server.

      Deprecated. Use ServerLifeCycleRuntimeMBean#start() instead.

      Operation Name"synchronousStart"


      Restore the given property to its default value.

      Operation Name"unSet"
      ParametersObject [] {  propertyName }


      • propertyName is an object of type java.lang.String that specifies:

        property to restore

      SignatureString [] { "java.lang.String" }
      Returns void