Configuring P6 EPPM Data Sources

CIC Advisor can be configured to display projects from P6 EPPM data sources.

To configure the properties for any P6 data source:

  1. Sign in to the CIC Administration application.


  2. From the Icon_Home_menu_in_admin_app_home_page Home menu, select a staretl<id> or a <Custom Name for DataSource>.

    Note: <id> is the identifier of the data source.

  3. Click icon Config in the sidebar for a selected P6 data source. .
  4. Set the following properties and then select Save.

Configuration Property


In the Configurable Properties section, set up the following properties as required:


Custom Name for Datasource

Enter a name for the data source for identification purposes. For example, P6 EPPM Production Data.

Enable Activity Period Actuals

Controls the display of past period actuals for activities.

Select any of the following values:

  • True (default): Enables pay period actuals for activities.
  • False: Disables pay period actuals for activities.


ODI LoadPlan Auto Restart

Controls restart of all real-time ODI Load plans.

Select any of the following values:

  • True (default): Auto restarts ODI load plans for a maximum count of 3 if an initial run fails.
  • False: Manually restart is required for all real-time ODI load plans.

Enable Resource Assignment Period Actuals

Controls the display of past period actuals for resources.

Select any of the following values:

  • True (default): Enables pay period actuals for resources.
  • False: Disables pay period actuals for resources.

Enable Relationship load

Controls the ETL from processing activity relationships.

Select any of the following values:

  • True (default): ETL runs will not process relationship loads.
  • False: ETL runs will process relationship loads.

Turn off all History, keep Slowly Changing Dimensions

Controls history tables.

Select any of the following values:

  • True: Turns off history tables.

Note: SCDs will continue to be captured at the project level without the history tables.

  • False (default): Keeps history tables with SCDs.

Note: To delete SCD data for an effective date or a specific date range, contact Oracle Support with a service request.

Disable Rebuild Index

Controls rebuilding of indexes in the cloud database.

Select any of the following values:

  • True: Does not rebuild indexes. Results in improved performance.
  • False (default): Rebuilds indexes.

Turn off Resource and Role Limits

Controls resource and role utilization scripts.

Select any of the following values:

  • True: Turn the scripts off.
  • False (default): Keeps the scripts running.

Enabled Spread Snapshot History

Controls the use of spread snapshot history in the advanced analytics dashboard.

Select any of the following values:

  • True: Enables spread snapshot history.
  • False (default): Disables spread snapshot history.

Use project filter in data source 1

Controls the source that will be used for naming a Unifier project.

Select any of the following values:

  • True (default): If the Unifierproject ID is identical in P6 and Unifier, then the project name from P6 will be used for the Unifier project.
  • False: Uses the project name from Unifier.

Include Inactive Resources

Controls resource filtration.

Select any of the following values:

  • True: Ensures Primavera Data Warehouse tables will not filter out inactive resources.

Note: If inactive resources are included, then spread data and other dimension tables will also be included. You may not need to process this extra resource assignment information.

  • False (default): Filters out inactive resources.

Enable Slowly Changing Dimensions and Spread History

Slowly changing dimensions (SCDs) are used to capture the change history of dimension fields. If SCD is enabled, any change to the field will add a new row to capture the change in the data warehouse. If SCD is disabled, a new row will not be added if a change is made to that field. This property controls the creation of SCD and spread history.

Select any of the following values:

  • True (default): Captures SCD and spread history.
  • False: Turns off SCD and spread history.

Load all Hierarchy Codes

Builds code hierarchies.

Select any of the following values:

  • True: Builds code hierarchies with all codes that come from the source.
  • False (default): Builds hierarchies with codes from configStar.

ODI Log Level

Controls the level of detail included in the ODI log files.

Select any of the following values:

  • Summary: Displays a summarized content in the log file.
  • Detail (default): Displays detailed information in the log file.

Degree of Parallelism for Rebuild Index

If the Disable Rebuild Index property is set to False, then select the number of threads (CPUs) you want to enable to run in parallel to rebuild the index.

If you plan to use ODI for projects in real-time, set the following properties to poll for changes in project data in P6 EPPM. The minimum poll interval is 5 minutes, and the maximum is 1440 minutes for all poll interval settings listed below:

ODI Realtime Global Loadplan Poll Interval (in minutes)

Enter the frequency at which changes to global data is to be checked in P6 EPPM and captured in the data warehouse.

By default the poll interval is set to 10 minutes.

ODI Realtime On Demand Loadplan Poll Interval (in minutes)

Checks for changes to projects whose Enable Publication flag is selected in P6 EPPM. This process runs when new projects are added and published to the data warehouse by triggering the ODI On Demand load plan to run for the selected projects and include it in the data warehouse.

Enter the frequency in minutes to check for changes to the Enable Publication flag for projects in P6 EPPM and send it to the data warehouse. By default the poll interval for running the On Demand ODI load plan is set to 60 minutes.

At each check, new projects with the Enable Publication flag will be added to the data warehouse, and projects whose Enable Publication flag is disabled will be deleted in the data warehouse.

ODI Realtime Project Loadplan Poll Interval (in minutes)

Checks for changes in current projects in P6 EPPM. This configuration property checks those projects whose Data Warehouse Update Frequency (ODI Only) field is set as Immediate in the Project Preferences dialog box in P6 EPPM.

Enter the frequency in minutes to send changes directly to the data warehouse. By default the poll interval value is set to 1440 minutes (24 hours).

In the OBIEE Settings section set up the following properties:

Mail Prefix

Customize the text that will be displayed in the subject line of email notifications that are sent regarding the status of ETL runs. For example, enter Analytics for status updates on ETL runs.


Primavera CIC Host URL

The Primavera CIC Host URL is preset for your organization and is used for analysis.


Lobby URL

The Lobby URL is preset for your organization and is used to switch between applications accessible through the Smart Construction Platform.


P6 Base URL

This URL is preset for your organization and is used for detailed analysis.


OBIEE Cache Purge

OBIEE cache entries are used to as a method to improve response times of OBIEE dashboards. This property controls the clearance of OBIEE cache entries.

Select any of the following values:

  • True: Clears OBIEE cache entries.
  • False (default): Retains the cache entries.

Send Email Notification

Enter the email IDs of the personnel to be notified regarding the status or issues with the STARETL runs. Also select the type of events for which they are to be notified:

  • Failure: Email notifications are sent only for failed ETL runs.
  • Success: Email notifications are sent only for successful ETL runs.
  • Both: Email notifications are sent for successful and failed ETL runs.

Related Topics

Configuring P6 Codes for Each Data Source

Configuring P6 UDFs for Each Data Source

Last Published Monday, July 1, 2024